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minho walked into the bathroom and instantly scoffed as he saw the state of the bath.

"bubbles...seriously?" minho joked with a raised eyebrow.

the younger only rolled his eyes as he gave him a look.

"choking kink...seriously?" 

a sly smile plastered minho's face as he walked over to jisung and gently lifted his chin.

"you liked it," he smirked as he ran his thumb over jisung's bottom lip. "don't deny it."

he placed a slow kiss on jisung's lips before the younger pushed him away with a chuckle.

"we've already done that," he playfully retorted before gesturing to the bath. "now get in."

once the pair were undressed, minho settled into the bath first before jisung climbed in to rest his back on minho's chest. 

"before you say anything," jisung moved minho's arms to warp around his waist. "we are not having a heart to heart in the bath."

minho chuckled as he leant his head on top of jisung's.

"it can wait until we are back in my room." jisung said with a smile as he grabbed a washcloth and begin to wash him and minho down.

the older let out a content hum at the affection. hugging jisung closer as he exaggerated nuzzling his nose against jisung's neck and shoulders.

"fine by me," he spoke lowly before placing a light kiss on the younger's temple. "i'm really comfortable."

after getting themselves clean, the pair spent some more time just basking in the other's presence. mainly a comfortable silence between them save for the odd blunt comment about how good the sex was.

soon enough, jisung decided he was wanting to get dried off and clothed and so stepped out of the bath, wrapping a towel around his waist as he lifted his clothes down from the cupboard.

"why do you keep clothes in there?" minho eventually asked after shamelessly staring at jisung's body while he got dry. "why not get changed in your room?"

"because," jisung began to answer as he pulled his pyjama shirt over his head, now fully clothed. "that way i don't have to possibly walk past you half naked."

the older hummed, moving his attention away from jisung, who was ruffling his hair while looking in the mirror, to instead rest his head against the rim of the bath.

"shame." he sighed, closing his eyes as he tilted his head to the ceiling. "i wouldn't have minded getting to see you half naked."

instead of a verbal answer, minho felt a splash of water on his face before opening his eyes to spot his giggling roommate running out of the bathroom and into minho's bedroom.

he only chuckled at the younger's antics before deciding he too should get himself out of the bath and therefore back into jisung's arms.

it didn't him long to get dressed and clean up the bathroom slightly before he made his way into his bedroom.

"which side do you normally sleep on?" jisung asked, already sat on the bed with a stolen pillow cuddled into his body.

minho couldn't help but smile at his roommate before he lightly shrugged. "either, but i'd prefer if you faced the wall so i can face it too."

the younger looked up at him with a raised eyebrow. "are you planning to spoon me, minho?"

receiving a soft nod in reply, jisung smirked.

"wow, and 24 hours ago i thought you hated me."

minho playfully rolled his eyes before climbing onto the bed to sit opposite jisung.

there was silence for a brief moment before jisung took a deep breath and rested his chin on top of the pillow.

"so," jisung began, keeping his eyes focused on his fingers. "what i wanted to say was that even though we've both clearly just confessed that we're in love with each other, i don't think it would be fair for me to act as though what you said didn't bother me."

he cleared his throat as he looked up to meet minho's eyes. "i-i know you apologised before we did...well that."

as a small smirk appeared on jisung's face, minho couldn't help but mirror it, staying silent as he nodded for jisung to continue.

"i mean, hearing you say what you did really hurt me but after you apologised, i could see how sorry you were and i guess my feelings took over. so, seen as i didn't get a chance before,"

jisung slowly shuffled forward as he gently took minho's hands in his own.

"i forgive you and i want you to know how much i appreciate some of the things you've done for me."

minho closed the gap between them as he gently pressed his lips onto jisung's for a short, soft kiss.

"jisung, i promise i am completely sure of my feelings and i will never make you feel like that again."

carefully, as though jisung could break under his touch, he rubbed the back of jisung's hands as he shyly smiled once meeting his roommate's eyes.

"i am really happy with you." jisung near whispered, almost blushing as minho cupped his cheek.

"and i am really in love with you." the older replied.

jisung held a playful smile as he smoothed minho's hair back from his face. "i know~" he teased before yawning.

"can we go to sleep now?" he mumbled as he rubbed his eye, minho immediately pulling it away from his face. "i'm really tired."

"of course we can, jisung." minho nodded.

he watched as jisung got himself under the covers, resting the pillow under his head to allow minho's arms to wrap around his front once the older was cuddled up behind him.

minho nuzzled his nose into jisung's hair, breathing in the faint smell of strawberries.

the younger giggled as he felt minho place a few slow kisses on his nape.

"stop it." jisung whined with a smile, trying to shuffle his body away though the older only tightened his grip. continuing to lightly kiss him.

suddenly, minho froze.

jisung had pushed his ass against minho's front while ghosting his fingers along minho's arm.

"go to sleep." jisung ordered. 

minho scoffed. "well i can't now that you've done that, can i?"

"aww." jisung chuckled. "that's so unfortunate, min."

minho smirked as he shuffled slightly to get more comfortable. "min?"

"mmhmm." the younger hummed in reply, practically hearing the smile on minho's face as the older sighed.

"alright then," he nuzzled his head against jisung's before settling it down onto the pillow. "goodnight, ji. i love you."

no matter how many times he said it, jisung couldn't help but smile at the confession.

with a soft chuckle, jisung lightly closed his eyes as he held onto minho's arms.

"i love you too, min."

seeee they can be happy together 🥰

the unwanted roommate - minsung Where stories live. Discover now