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jisung finished checking his emails to see that his classes for the week had been suspended.

at first, he had been relieved to have time to himself.

the positive reaction, however, quickly disappeared as jisung realised he would now be stuck around his roommate with no natural means of escape.

a sigh pushed past his lips as he walked out his room to the bathroom. not even sparing a glance at minho who was stood in the kitchen.

after all, the pair still hadn't spoken to each other since their last argument.

minho only rolled his eyes as he had heard jisung's movement. the younger didn't even have to speak and yet minho would become annoyed.

as he finished cleaning up his breakfast, minho tried to remind himself that jisung would soon be leaving for class.

he didn't know what classes jisung had. all he was focused on, was that he'd soon have the flat to himself.

however, as he glanced at the clock, he was confused why jisung was taking so long to get ready.

not that he paid attention to jisung's usual timings. it was more so the fact that if jisung was using the bathroom, minho would have to wait.

of course at home, minho's house had more bathrooms than occupants.

jisung stepped out of the shower and ruffled his damp hair with a towel. once he was changed, he walked out and leant into his doorway to throw this pyjamas onto his bed.

minho saw he was heading towards the kitchen and immediately grabbed his freshly made cup of coffee before moving to the window so he could look anywhere but jisung's direction.

jisung of course wasn't phased at the absence of conversation. the pair were accustomed to not speaking to the people they lived with.

as he continued to drink his coffee and stare out the window, minho become increasingly agitated at the presence of his roommate.

jisung never stayed in his vicinity when he had a class to attend.

"shouldn't you have left by now?" minho eventually asked in a harsh tone.

jisung reluctantly met his eyes as he swallowed a mouthful of food.

"why'd you care?"

minho scoffed in frustration. "i don't care about you, i care about the fact that you're still in here."

jisung held an almost blank expression as he blinked. "maybe because i live here?" he then moved his gaze to his plate as he scooped up the last bit of his breakfast.

"i really wish you didn't." minho muttered under his breath as he gripped his mug tighter.

the cutlery clattered against the table as jisung had slammed his hands on the wood and stood up before moving to the sink to rinse his plate.

"if you really care, minho, i have a study break. my classes are cancelled this week."

minho's shoulders dropped in annoyance. "brilliant." he mumbled.

jisung then waited until he turned round before raising an eyebrow. "why are you here?"

the older stared at him. "...are you seriously asking me that?"

jisung shrugged and looked round the room in confusion. "why shouldn't i? all you do is scowl at me. why don't you go out for a while, if you hate being around me so much?"

a groan was heard as minho ran a hand down his face. "because then i've had to leave because of you. i shouldn't have to leave my living space just because you're stood in it."

unexpectedly, jisung walked over to him.

"then get over yourself." he spat as he had harshly poked his chest.

he walked back towards the couch and turned round to gesture.

"we both live here. if you're choosing not to speak to me, i couldn't care less."

he folded his arms over his chest as he furrowed his brows. "but if you wanna act like me unintentionally being in your eye line is the end of the world, you need to grow the fuck up, minho."

minho gritted his teeth as he continued.

"i stay out your way because, guess what, i don't like you either."

jisung ran a hand through his hair as he walked back to his bedroom, resting his hand on the doorknob.

"and if that's still not enough for you, then you're beyond immature."

he chuckled in frustration as he opened his door, though kept his eyes on minho.

"i'm staying in here." he gestured. "if that's somehow still too much for you, go cry about it."

and with that, he slammed the door behind him.

minho balled his fists in anger.

no matter how much he wanted to run after jisung and scream at him, he was not going to make the mistake of going into jisung's room ever again.

so, he walked over to the counter and placed his now empty mug on the side before returning to his own room and sitting down at his desk.

though he didn't have classes until the next day, minho needed a distraction to get jisung off of his mind.

jisung was also sat at his desk, deciding to use this time to get slightly ahead so he could avoid falling behind his classmates.

both of them were trying to focus on their work. both of them with the same idea.

if they spent the week focusing on their work, they could circumvent thinking about their roommate.

you all have no idea how happy i am to be posting this story...it's just so different to my previous work !

the unwanted roommate - minsung Where stories live. Discover now