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after he'd finished in the bathroom, minho soundlessly walked back into his bedroom.

he'd seen jisung was on the phone and so hadn't wanted to disturb him.

as he sat down on his chair, minho began to wonder why he'd acted so weird before.

that morning, seeing jisung's face so close to his own, had caused the weird feeling to return.

the feeling made his thoughts unclear and minho hated it.

all he'd felt was embarrassment for kissing jisung. but as soon as jisung had held him, minho's sole focus was how relaxed he felt in his embrace.

unfortunately, minho hated to feel vulnerable.

so, it only seemed right for him to push jisung away that morning.

yet when jisung had looked up at him with such a hurt expression, minho had instantly regretted it.

luckily today, he'd be able to spend some time away from jisung at his afternoon class.

"you've got to be fucking kidding."

of course, minho's class had been postponed.

in frustration, minho ran a down his face before he heard his stomach rumble.

as he wanted to stick to his old principles of refusing to let jisung's presence dictate what he did or didn't do in the dorm, minho walked out from his bedroom.

jisung took one look at minho nearing the kitchen and scowled.

after the way minho had treated him that morning, the last thing jisung wanted was to be around his roommate.

however, as he stood to begin walking back to his room, jisung had forgotten about how badly his legs were shaking.

as soon as he'd stood, jisung stumbled and began falling to the floor.

immediately two arms wrapped around his waist to catch him.

jisung tried to push minho off him but, as soon as they separated, minho caught him again to hold him steady.

"get the fuck off of me." jisung snapped as he tried to break free from minho's hold.

minho had heard the falter in jisung's voice as he felt a small lump in his own throat.

strangely, he didn't want to leave jisung alone.

whoever was on the phone had severely hurt jisung and minho couldn't ignore his gut feeling that jisung needed comfort.

minho held jisung's body firmly as he cleared his throat.

"jisung, you can't stand. p-please just sit down."

jisung scoffed and felt himself being lead to the chair.

as soon as jisung was sat, minho removed his hands and crouched in front of him.

jisung kept his head down, expecting to be ridiculed for crying if minho saw.

"jisung," minho spoke softly as he'd noticed the younger's uneven breathing. "what happened?"

"like you fucking care." jisung attempted to sound strong though was betrayed by a sharp, shaky, inhale.

"jisung...please." minho whispered.

slowly, he attempted to lift jisung's chin, angering the younger as he was furious minho had touched him. 

in an attempt to shove minho back, jisung used too much force and hadn't managed to catch himself.

the unwanted roommate - minsung Where stories live. Discover now