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at first, jisung had been having a normal day while alone in the dorm.

he'd gone shopping and even organised a small surprise for minho when he returned.

currently, his attention was on the door, awaiting minho's arrival.

something which had been a usual routine for him the last couple of days.

however right now, jisung was beyond stressed to see what state minho would come home in.

fifteen minutes ago, a storm had began and had shown no signs of passing so quickly.

jisung knew minho was walking home from class and was panicking as he'd found minho's headphones on the desk meaning minho was without them.

"please be okay." jisung repeatedly mumbled to himself.

suddenly, the door violently opened.

jisung immediately ran forward and wrapped his arms around minho, bringing him forward as he closed the door with his foot.

the older was quietly whimpering as jisung felt his body trembling.

"shhh, you're alright." jisung soothed as he brought minho down to the floor.

he kept a hand over minho's ear as the other was pressed to his heartbeat. he lightly rubbed up and down minho's back as he felt his breathing stagger.

"i-it was so sudden." minho shakily spoke. "i-i didn't even get to p-prepare for it."

"do you want your headphones?" jisung asked as he smoothed down minho's hair. "i charged them up for you before."

a long flash of lightening accompanied by a loud clap of thunder caused minho to groan in detest.

"j-just don't leave me." he mumbled as he pushed his head closer to jisung's chest.

"i won't, min." jisung gently replied, feeling minho's arms wrap around his torso.

the pair stayed like that until they were sure the storm had passed.

jisung slowly pulled minho back as he looked over his tear stained face.

"you okay now, minho?" jisung asked as he wiped the few stray tears off his cheeks.

the older only scoffed as he shyly pulled jisung's hands away from him.

"...i wasn't very sexy was i?"

jisung burst out laughing, quickly attacking minho's face with gentle kisses to help cheer him up.

"you're always sexy." he grinned once pulling back, lightly flicking up minho's chin.

the two got up off the floor only for jisung to walk behind minho and cover his eyes.

"besides, i have a surprise to take your mind off it."

minho was confused but still allowed himself to be lead to the kitchen.

as the hands were lifted from his eyes, minho looked down to see jisung's car keys resting on the dinner table alongside a white envelope.

"...what?" minho looked over to jisung before the younger gestured for him to open the envelope.

unsure of what to think, minho slowly opened it up. his eyebrows raised as he lifted out two pieces of card.

"tickets to a drive in movie theatre!?" he questioned with a pleasantly surprised expression.

"yeah..." jisung's smile slowly faded as he stared down at the floor. "i was going to take you tonight but because of the storm just then, i'm guessing you don't really wanna go tonight."

minho's shoulders dropped as he looked over jisung's face.

"hey, we can go tomorrow, it's okay!" he assured as he walked over to jisung and tried to meet his eyes.

the younger nodded though kept his slight frown. "sorry i couldn't be there to comfort you when the storm started."

minho held a fond smile as he sat down on the chair and opened his arms, inviting jisung to sit down.

jisung slowly shuffled over and split his legs either side of minho to face him. he noticed minho had a necklace on and began to fiddle with it in his hands.

"ji," minho sighed. "you can't be mad at yourself for that. i really appreciate you comforting me when i came in." he spoke softly as he rubbed jisung's hips with his thumbs.

"and anyway," he shrugged, lifting up jisung's chin to meet his eyes. "that means we can cuddle tonight and go to the next showing."

that caused jisung to lightly chuckle as he let his eyes trail minho's handsome features.

"you're really cute," he smiled, leaning forward to peck minho's lips. "you know that?"

minho smirked as he playfully nodded. "so i've been told."

slowly, jisung's brows furrowed as he tilted his head. "by who?"

a scoff sounded as minho cupped jisung's face. "my incredibly smart roommate." he answered, teasingly shaking jisung's head side to side.

jisung slapped his chest and was about to stand when minho tightened his grip to hold him in place.

"i don't think so." he mumbled as he slowly leant back in the chair. "what happened to my jisung this morning? where's my controlling boy gone, hmm?"

jisung gasped as he felt minho slowly grind upwards against his crotch.

instantly, the younger had an idea.

he copied minho's action, though pressed his body down against minho's as he lifted a hand to minho's hair and tugged it causing his chin to tilt up slightly.

jisung moved forward and brushed his lips against minho's ear.

"i think you'll find i'm right here, princess." he whispered seductively before lightly biting minho's ear.

minho felt himself become stiff as jisung slowly stood up.

with a sly smile, jisung pulled minho along behind him into his bedroom.

he roughly pushed minho onto his bed before climbing on top of him and pinning his arms down by kneeling on them.

"you know," he began as he ran a finger along minho's sharp jaw. "i think someone will have to wait until tomorrow to get what he wants."

minho felt himself twitch as he was at a complete loss of power.

"b-but we're going to the drive in tomorrow?" minho managed to say.

jisung only chuckled as he closed the gap between them. kissing him softly before pulling away keeping minho's bottom lip in his teeth.

once letting it go, he smirked as he traced minho's bottom lip with his thumb.

"...you ever been fucked in a car before minho?"

another smut chapter? 😧

the unwanted roommate - minsung Where stories live. Discover now