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"fucking hell, minho! what the fuck are you doing!?" jisung yelled as he lifted a hand over his own chest, feeling his heart racing from the fright.

he hadn't expected his roommate to be stood in the hallway with a scowl on his face.

jisung walked to the kitchen before minho followed him and harshly turned him around.

"what the fuck am i doing?" he gestured to himself watching how jisung stared at him in shock as his back was against the dinner table.

"what do you think you're doing? you were out for over six hours!?" minho replied.

jisung scoffed. "i expected you to be asleep or, if you were still awake, celebrating." he pushed his body from the table to create space between the pair.

"why are you awake?" jisung asked as he walked over to the cupboard to get out a glass.

minho huffed in annoyance. "you forgot your key card, dumbass."

jisung stopped still and looked at him. "...how did you know that?"

minho was momentarily taken back though quickly rolled his shoulders back, snapping himself out of it. "i came out the shower and was surprised you hadn't bothered me," he said with a sneer.

"when i knocked on your door it opened since it wasn't shut properly."

he decided to withhold the truth. jisung didn't need to know he'd taken it upon himself to enter his room.

"after seeing it was empty, i went to leave and then noticed your key card on the desk."

"okay..." jisung slowly nodded and turned himself back around. "but that doesn't answer my question..."

he lifted down a glass from the cupboard, poured himself a drink, and looked back to minho.

"...why are you awake?"

minho sighed and leant his side onto the table. "you'd be locked out otherwise. then i'd hear how it was all my fault if i didn't let you in."

jisung was about to reply when minho lifted his eyes from the floor to stare at him.

"how...how did you get in?"

jisung lifted his card from his pocket and shrugged. "they have spare keys."

minho wanted to feel angry. though, at that moment, he wasn't sure what he felt.

jisung drained his glass and wiped his bottom lip with his thumb as minho looked back down at the floor.

"i must say, minho, i'm very surprised you had wanted to help me."

immediately minho lifted his head and scoffed.

"i didn't want to fucking help you." he snapped. "i didn't want to have to talk to you or hear you try and say this was my fault."

jisung lifted his hands up as he furrowed his eyebrows. "woah woah woah." he said harshly. "would you calm the fuck down, minho? alright, i get it, you didn't wanna help me."

as he attempted to walk past minho, the older grabbed his arm so they were facing each other.

"i didn't." he gritted his teeth.

jisung snarled and shoved him back. "stop doing that!"

he pushed hair back from his face as he shook his head. "look, minho, if you try and put this on me i swear to god-"

"-what!?" minho interrupted with a yell. "jisung, it is your fucking fault!"

there was a small pause as he laughed through a scoff. "i could've gone to sleep hours ago. instead, i've stayed up all this time and you don't even have the decency to thank me."

"t-thank you!?" jisung spluttered as he took a step forward. "for what!? you just said you didn't wanna help me. plus, i used the spare key. even if you did want to help me, you haven't physically done anything?"

minho balled up his fists as he took a step forward to his roommate. the gap between them becoming smaller over time.

"i cannot stand you." he spoke through gritted teeth. "i can't believe i tried to help you and now you're yelling at me."

jisung rolled his eyes with a groan. "for someone who didn't want to speak to me you're talking an awful lot."

"you have a fucking nerve you know, jisung." he mumbled as he took one final step towards the younger.

jisung kept his eyes on minho's as he wasn't intimated. he knew minho was clearly in the wrong.

if his roommate had admitted to trying to help him, jisung would have immediately apologised for the inconvenience.

but with the way minho was acing right now, jisung wouldn't dare give him an undeserved apology.

"minho, you made your point." jisung sighed as he turned to walk away from him.

"if you're set on being annoyed because you're currently not asleep," he placed a hand on his bedroom's doorknob, "then why the fuck are you still talking to me?"

and with that, jisung slammed his door leaving minho alone in the kitchen.

his fingernails were digging into his skin as he was almost shaking with rage.

to him, he couldn't believe jisung was so unappreciative of his efforts.

though, there was a flash of doubt in his mind after rethinking everything he said. after all, he had admitted he hadn't tried to help jisung out.

quickly, minho shook his head at himself. he wasn't going to admit he was in the wrong and clearly neither was his roommate.

he groaned in frustration and headed into his own room. the door was harshly shut behind him as minho sat on the edge of his bed with his hands in his hair.

through a deep exhale, he slowly leant his back onto his bed.

luckily, minho had classes again for the next two days which meant more time away from jisung.

of course, anytime minho was away from jisung was worthwhile.

as he brought himself under his covers, minho placed his back against his wall. after everything that had happened that night, minho vowed one more thing.

he was never going to lose sleep over jisung again.

the unwanted roommate - minsung Where stories live. Discover now