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today was the 14th may. ten years since the passing of jisung's father, han chinmae.

that morning, minho had opted to drive as even though jisung had managed by himself for most of his past visits, today was exceptionally difficult.

currently, jisung was in the passenger seat, fiddling with a small bouquet of flowers while blankly starting out the window at the dark sky overhead.

while driving, minho replaced conversation with small signs of affection.

he'd often rest his hand on jisung's leg, smiling to himself as his boyfriend would squeeze his fingers before retracting his hand to continue fidgeting with the flowers. 

jisung was so deep in thought that he hadn't realised the pair had reached their destination before minho gently broke the silence.

"sung, baby? we're here." minho spoke softly as he placed a hand at the back of jisung's head, carefully patting down his hair.

slowly, jisung turned to him, meeting his eyes as he nodded his head.

"s-sorry," jisung sniffed, "guess i spaced out a bit."

"don't apologise, love." minho assured, lifting jisung's hand to place a kiss against it before rubbing his thumb over his knuckles. "...you ready to go?"

jisung wiped his eyes before nodding. minho gave his hand one last squeeze before getting out of the car and walking round to jisung's side.

he opened up the door and held out his hand.

"thanks." jisung almost whispered, feeling their fingers interwine as he began leading minho along the gravelled path towards his father's grave.

as they approached the headstone, the first tear slipped down jisung's cheek as he let out a soft sigh.

"hi, dad." he managed to utter as he slowly crouched down and started to swap out the flowers. "i'm not alone today."

minho held a light smile as he bowed to the headstone before jisung pulled on his hand for the two to sit down.

"so, this is minho." jisung smiled, resting his hand on minho's knee before turning back to the headstone. "he's erm, actually my boyfriend now." 

the older patted his hand as he heard the soft tremor in jisung's voice.

"and well," jisung chuckled softly. "i know it might be surprising since the last time i came here i certainly had a few things to say about him."

minho mirrored his smile as he softly shook his head.

"for that, mr han, i must apologise to you as well." minho lightly joked as he faced the headstone. "i hope you know i'm trying to change for the better and i promise i'll take good care of your son."

jisung had to harshly swallow to rid the lump in his throat.

the way minho was smiling while talking about him, as well as how he was so respectful to his father, jisung knew he was deeply in love with his roommate.

however, the moment didn't last too long as minho suddenly flinched as a long flash lit up the sky.

immediately his body started trembling, though he felt jisung's hand quickly grab onto his.

"here." jisung said softly.

confused, minho looked down at his hand. there, he found both jisung's car keys as well as his headphones the younger had obviously brought just in case.

"i don't mind if you wait in the car, min." jisung assured as he gestured to the headstone with a smile.

jisung saw the uncertainty in his eyes. it was clear minho was unsure whether he should stay or go.

the unwanted roommate - minsung Where stories live. Discover now