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minho had now finished making dinner for him and jisung.

another thing he'd never expected to do for his roommate.

after placing the food on the table, minho walked over to jisung's bedroom door.

"jisung?" minho called in a gentle voice, though received no answer.

he waited a few more seconds before knocking on the door.

after almost two minutes, minho decided to open the door and saw jisung still asleep on his bed.

in his mind, minho couldn't help but think about how mentally exhausted jisung must be.

after all, once remembering jisung had taken no luggage, minho wasn't sure where jisung had stayed.

minho contemplated waking jisung.

luckily, as he had prepared jjolmyeon, their dinner didn't have to be eaten immediately.

after pondering for a few minutes, minho decided to leave him be.

minho looked to jisung's desk and grabbed a sticky note from its stack. he left jisung a short note and left the room to return to the kitchen.

he sighed as he sat down and began to eat the dinner he prepared.

though minho was alone like always, currently it didn't feel so comforting.

as he ate, all he could think about was how he held jisung. more specifically, how he hadn't hated it.

truthfully minho hadn't held anyone, or been held for that matter, for years.

after he passed a certain age, his parents stopped being as affectionate.

he allowed his mind to wander until he heard jisung's door slowly open.

the boy was dressed in the same trousers, but was now wearing an almost worn out grey quarter buttoned shirt that was clearly too big for him.

as jisung trudged to the sink to get a quick drink, minho felt his body shiver.

jisung, as he walked past his roommate, had briefly placed a light hand onto minho's shoulder.

after he finished getting himself some water, jisung sat down opposite his roommate. 

"thanks, minho." jisung spoke in a quiet voice.

minho shook his head and looked down at his plate. "no that's okay...it was no trouble."

a small chuckle was heard causing minho to lift his head to meet the younger's eyes.


jisung shook his head and held a hint of a smile. "hearing you say that. i-it's just, you've surprised me ever since i got back."

minho only nodded and finished another mouthful of food.

something about actually seeing jisung smile, albeit as small as it was, made minho feel strange.

after all, jisung and him had never smiled at each other, never mind while the other was in their proximity.

"i-i guess it's just...i just felt really bad about finding out." minho shrugged before looking up at jisung again.

"do you...do you want to talk about it?"

jisung's eyes widened. "n-no." he quickly shook his head.

minho instantly waved his hand. "oh, it's no problem. i just got shocked you getting so upset like that."

he cleared his throat and kept his eyes down. "i mean...i didn't expect you to want my comfort."

jisung nodded and shyly rubbed his nape. "well, it's been a while since i've been around
sympathetic or apologetic people. i think i...i was just overwhelmed."

minho noticed his breathing had slightly trembled.

"minho...i'm really sorry i can't do this." jisung shook his head as he dropped his cutlery to the table.

"i...i think i'll go for a walk. i don't wanna miss the storm."

minho's heart dropped as he near jumped out his seat to stand. "no. you can go, that's fine."

jisung was too busy starting at the floor to notice minho's jittery state.

"okay...i erm left my number on a sticky note, it's in my room." jisung almost mumbled. "i'll grab my jacket from there but i won't be a sec."

with that, jisung walked back into his room.

minho's heart was racing as he finally turned his attention to the window.

he heard jisung open the door and tried his best to put on a calm front as he turned to face him.  

"okay, i'll do that. i'll get your number. fine." minho spoke quickly as he hid his trembling hands behind his back.

jisung nodded to him and shut the front door.

almost as soon as he did, a flash of light was reflected on the wall.

minho was about to run into his own room when he remembered the sticky note he needed.

as he ran into jisung's room he stumbled on a cardboard box on the floor.

the insides scattered onto the floor and minho groaned at how clumsy he'd been.

although he didn't want to leave the mess, he was still anxious with the storm and so quickly ran into his room.

minho found his headphones and began to blast music in an attempt to block out the thunder.

he returned to jisung's room though paused, realising he shouldn't be going through jisung's things after what had happened last time.

luckily, he managed to pack everything away without focusing on what the pieces of paper actually were.

minho also wasn't going to make the same mistake of sleeping in jisung's bed and so ran into his own room as he dove underneath his covers.

only one thought occupied his mind as he stared into nothing.

why was jisung out in the storm?

aww they're getting along...how long do we think it'll last ?
happy one month to this book🤗

the unwanted roommate - minsung Where stories live. Discover now