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as monday approached, minho was beyond grateful that he had hardly seen jisung for three days.

over the weekend, jisung had been confined to his room. only coming out for something to eat or to use the bathroom.

the pair hadn't crossed paths, and minho couldn't be more thankful.

that morning, minho had woken up a little after 11am as he had no classes on a monday. 

he knew that jisung would already have left for his classes and so happily strolled out of the bathroom now he was ready for the day.

once he reached the kitchen to begin preparing his breakfast, minho's attention was grabbed by a small bouquet of flowers that were on the table. 

minho kept his distance, not wanting to actually touch his roommate's stuff.

that's when he heard jisung's bedroom door open.

initially, he was confused and reluctantly decided to ask jisung why he was still in the dorm.

as jisung hadn't walked to the kitchen, minho couldn't wait any longer and decided to shout to him.

"who are the flowers for?" minho yelled as he trailed his eyes over the brightly coloured flower heads.

he was met with silence apart from hurried footsteps towards him.

as jisung appeared at the end of the hallway, he sighed in relief after seeing the untouched flowers. instead of replying, he spared no attention to minho and went back to tying his shoe laces.

minho's lips formed a snarl as he realised he'd been deliberately ignored. 

"hello?" he dragged out in annoyance. "i just asked you a question." 

jisung was about to roll his eyes when he felt his heart race as minho leant forward to turn over and read the card.  

minho heard jisung step towards him, his stare oddly intimidating.

"don't you fucking dare..." jisung spat harshly as he continued to slowly walk forward while pointing to the flowers.

minho lifted his hands away and widened his eyes as he spoke.

"okay okay." he mumbled, his eyebrows still furrowed.

he turned his body away from jisung and scoffed.

"fucking hell, the one time i try and be nice and take an interest in your pathetic life..."

then, he laughed as he shook his head. "honestly, that's the last time i ever-"

suddenly, minho's voice cut out as he felt his back harshly collide with the wall. 

jisung had roughly pinned him against it. his hands in tight fists pushing into minho's hard chest.   


minho swore jisung's voice had trembled. that's when he noticed the slight shake of the younger's hands against him.

as he stared down into his eyes, he could see they were glossed with tears.

however, jisung continued to stare back at him intensely. it was clear he wasn't backing down.

minho's words were caught in his throat, feeling as though he was almost frozen in place.

jisung shoved minho back hard, removing his hands from his body and walking towards the table.

"i'm leaving," he coldly declared as he carefully picked up the flowers and walked to the door, near throwing it open. "that's all you need to know."

minho felt his body flinch as jisung slammed the door.

the vibration against his back caused him to take an unsteady deep breath as he realised he had been holding it since the moment jisung had forced him against the wall.

his breathing was slightly uneven due to the persistent lump in his throat he tried his best to clear.

as he walked into the middle of the kitchen, he couldn't bring his eyes away from the door. 

the only sound occupying the dorm, was that of minho's slow and heavy breathing. 

but all that was on his mind, was how when their faces had been inches apart, minho had felt something.

something he couldn't quite pinpoint.

once he became aware of his thoughts, minho harshly shook his head and tried to focus on anything else.

in slight desperation, minho turned round and tried to find some kind of distraction. that's when his eyes found the bright yellow sticky note placed on the fridge. 

"shopping..." minho murmured through shallow breaths, "yeah l-let's do that."

minho hurried back to his room and pulled on his black trainers along with a warm jacket.

once he was sure he had his key card, phone, and wallet, minho left the dorm to head out to the shops.

"maybe, this is why people go on walks." minho thought to himself.

happy first day of december (:

the unwanted roommate - minsung Where stories live. Discover now