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minho had never wanted a roommate.

he was more than content with living at home, even though he felt nothing but loneliness since before he could remember.

still, being the only child in a three person household, minho had quickly gotten used to the feeling.

his father was a successful accountant while his mother had to travel a lot with work demands from the multiple thriving businesses she owned.

for minho, there was never anyone to talk to in the grand yet lonely mansion he and his parents lived in.

his father was always busy with work, crammed in his office at his laptop while he refused to spare even a second to ask his son a simple question such as how was his day.

his mother on the other hand was never at home. she returned possibly once a month and barely paid any attention to minho except at dinner times.

they had chefs at home and so a grand meal was always prepared for them. it would always take a while for the three eating, much to their distaste as they then had to suffer silence for as long as dinner willed.

because of his upbringing, minho now hated the idea of having to see someone every day. never mind sharing such a small living space with them.

he was currently sat at the dorms, situated a few minutes drive from the university campus, anxiously waiting for the arrival of his unknown roommate. after all, he knew nothing about them except for their name.

han jisung.

he also knew his roommate was not taking the same course as him at university. what this han jisung's course was, however, was of little concern to minho.

he was of course glad they only had to live together. this meant they could go about their lives separately without the possibly they would become partners in work.

minho was studying a course within the scientific and mathematics field, similar to his father.

it hadn't been chosen for him, yet minho hadn't cared the moment he heard he could live at the university's student accommodation, away from his family.

of course minho wasn't disappointed with not living with his family anymore.

he barely saw his family as it was.

once he had arrived at his new living space, he wasn't displeased with the size nor the location of the dorm complex.

instead, he had been shocked at the fact he wouldn't be living alone.

that was something the university had failed to mention when he received a welcome email that provided information about the accommodation and such.

he had thanked the receptionist shortly after walking into the building and attempted to hide his displeased expression as they had told minho his roommate was running late to check in.

minho hauled his packed suitcases to the lift as he spent the entire ride feeling every negative emotion possible to 'han jisung'.

even though they still hadn't met after minho settling in, he knew he wasn't going back on his decision to immediately dislike the boy.

suddenly minho's heart jumped as he heard the front door click open.

now was the time to meet his roommate.

hello and welcome to my new book!
it is (as clearly tagged) an enemies to lovers so a complete 180° from blind to toxicity.

i am so excited to finally be sharing this with you and look forward to seeing your thoughts!

kayceeliz <3

the unwanted roommate - minsung Where stories live. Discover now