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"i hate you."

silence washed over the pair until jisung's breath audibly hitched.

he stared at minho with his lips parted in shock.

in minho's mind, he hadn't meant what he'd said.

he hadn't meant what he'd said at all.

minho couldn't hate jisung and only recently realised he never had.

right now, he couldn't believe he'd blurted out such a harsh lie.

however, jisung could believe it.

to him, it had just confirmed that his thoughts about minho hating him hadn't completely vanished.

after their kiss on the couch, jisung wanted to believe their hatred was no more. that they were finally ready to start over.

but at that moment, minho had told jisung his true feelings.

tears finally spilled over and slid down jisung's cheeks as he felt his heart breaking.

minho couldn't speak. he was growing more and more frustrated at himself that he hadn't realised his face had turned into a scowl.

as jisung watched minho furrow his eyebrows, he knew minho wasn't regretful of what he'd said.

immediately jisung felt his body beginning to shake.

but this time, he refused to confide in minho.

jisung mustered all the strength he had as he cleared his throat.

"take a left at the supermarket and go straight, you'll get home that way." jisung harshly spoke, turning away and quickly walking in the other direction.

minho felt his heart drop.

all he could do was watch as jisung wrapped his arms around his chest and walk away until he was nothing but a shadow in the distance.

minho wasn't shocked at jisung's actions. after all, that was the worst thing he could have said at that moment.

with a sigh, he slumped back onto the bench and dropped his head into his hands.

forcefully, he shut his eyes, attempting to stop the tears threatening to fall.

the last thing he wanted to do was cry.

especially when he felt so undeserving of it.

as he lifted out his phone and saw the time, minho decided to get himself home.

he had class early in the morning and knew it wouldn't be easy to fall asleep when he returned.

with a harsh sigh, minho stood up and began walking back to the dorm.

though he wasn't sure when jisung would be arriving back at the dorm, minho knew jisung would need time alone before he could apologise to the younger.

minho just hoped he could fix everything.

only now did he realise just how much he actually needed jisung.


the unwanted roommate - minsung Where stories live. Discover now