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a few days had passed since the roommates' last argument and the pair had been avoiding each other as best they could.

that morning, minho had left for class with jisung feeling relieved he would have the flat to himself.

pretty quickly, however, jisung realised that the dorm was quite possibly the furthest thing from exciting.

therefore, jisung had taken it upon himself to go for a walk to see what was around their accommodation, even though he much preferred to walk when it was dark out.

after his father had died, jisung would leave his house a lot.

unfortunately though, he could only ever walk close to his house as he was still fairly young to be out alone.

when out in the daytime, jisung would nearly always feel judged.

jisung felt the looming stares from people wherever he went as usually, when he'd leave his house, he'd almost always be crying.

but if it was dark, no one was ever able to see his state.

however, jisung couldn't wait until later.

checking his clock as he pulled on his jacket, he sighed as it read '3pm'.

still, he grabbed his key card and left the accommodation.

just a few hours later, minho returned from his class.

he tried to ignore his exhaustion and focus on the assignment he'd been given that day.

minho sat down at his desk and pulled out his water bottle before glancing over to the clock on his desk.


his stomach rumbled once he had looked back down at his work.

so instead, minho decided to make himself some dinner before settling to work. after all, he knew he wouldn't be able to concentrate on an empty stomach.

once he was finished, he left his things in the sink to soak and returned back to his room to continue working on his assignment.

soon afterwards, jisung arrived back at the complex with nothing but food on his mind.

he walked down the hall to the front door, swiping his key card and stepping into his dorm.

jisung silently celebrated as he noticed minho's bedroom door shut. he couldn't believe his luck that he hadn't run into him.

he also had the same intention to work until he realised the time was '7:15pm'.

since minho was in his room and not occupying the kitchen, jisung decided to grab something to eat.

as he neared the kitchen he noticed a used plate on the draining board. jisung smiled as that meant minho had already eaten.

by now, he'd figured out minho would only come out of his bedroom at meal times or to use the bathroom.

now, he could use the kitchen space completely unbothered.

however, jisung's smile immediately dropped as he had turned to the counter top to grab his mug to make coffee.

that's when he realised, there was only one mug.

"the fuck?" he mumbled. "where's my other mug?"

jisung lifted it up to inspect, his frown deepening as he read the initials 'hjs' in a clean cursive hand-written font.

after having no luck searching through the cabinets to look for the missing mug, he began to panic.

"where the fuck is dad's mug!?"

the unwanted roommate - minsung Where stories live. Discover now