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last night had been hard for minho.


the younger had been teasing him relentlessly and minho was beginning to get impatient.

he was becoming almost desperate to know what jisung was like when he took control.

as minho walked out of his bedroom in his outfit for the evening, he saw jisung jisung pulling on his jacket with car keys in hand.

"don't you look cute." jisung commented as minho gave a smug but still slightly shy smile.

"you look really good yourself." he replied as he walked over and leant forward to kiss his roommate.

however, jisung grabbed his face, holding him back before lightly squishing his cheeks.

"i don't think so, min." he teased, dropping his hand and walking towards the door without another glance in the older's direction.

minho could only huff. it was obvious jisung was sticking to what he said last night.

last night the pair had slept together in jisung's bed. the younger revealing that he wouldn't be doing anything to minho until they parked up.

minho didn't think much of it, though was surprised that when the pair woke up that morning, jisung had only cupped his cheek and greeted him before getting back to making them breakfast.

minho hadn't realised how badly not getting his goodnight or morning kiss would affect him.

the sound of the door opening broke minho out his thoughts as he followed jisung to the car.

before he could walk towards the door, jisung stopped him and instead opened minho's door for him.

the older got in with a pout, not liking the absence of affection.

though the radio was filling the silence in the car, minho was getting more and more impatient as jisung was refusing to give him skinship of any kind.

when they finally pulled up to the ticket booth, jisung handed over the tickets and a gold card minho hadn't seen before.

"what was that?" minho asked, looking around as he noticed jisung was parking on top of a hill that was far away from everyone else.

"i know a few people." jisung only shrugged with a light smile. "wouldn't want to disturb people trying to enjoy a film now would i?"

now minho was smiling.

he leant forward to finally kiss jisung though was met with the younger leaning back with a confused expression.

"min, i don't know what you're trying to do but can you help me with getting out the snacks from the boot?"

his tone was quite stern causing minho to get slightly frustrated.

it wasn't like the night would be ruined if they didn't go through with hooking up, but no skinship at all was not what minho wanted.

he only mumbled a 'sure' in reply before opening up his door and walking to the back of the car.

as he opened it, he was confused to see nothing there.

in fact, the backseats had been folded down into the floor with a soft blanket over the top.

weirdly, minho hadn't noticed the absence of the seats before.

clearly he was too busy staring out the window, pouting about the denial of affection.

he lifted his head to the driver's seat to shout over for jisung, but was confused to see jisung wasn't there.

the unwanted roommate - minsung Where stories live. Discover now