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with a soft chuckle, jisung moved away from minho to reach into his glove compartment where he lifted out a small bottle of lube.

as he shuffled back over to minho, he took note of how the older looked a mix of excited and nervous.

"okay," jisung began as he thoroughly coated his fingers in the substance. "this may feel strange but i promise i'll be gentle...at first."

minho nodded and spread his legs for jisung as the younger positioned himself between them before kissing him softly.

the older immediately whined against his lips as he felt jisung push a finger into him, carefully circling it around to get him used to the feeling.

"colour?" jisung asked against his lips. "don't be afraid to tell me if it hurts."

minho shook his head as he moved his hand into jisung's hair.

"g-green." he moaned as jisung slowly pushed in a second. "s-still green but just let me adjust."

"of course, princess." jisung answered, carefully kissing over minho's face. smiling as he heard minho hum at the affection.

"m-more." minho soon breathily spoke, dropping his head back against the floor as jisung had began a scissoring motion.

as jisung pushed in a third, minho's back arched off the floor as he held onto jisung's shoulders. softly moaning at the feeling of being so full.

once deeming minho was fully prepped, jisung slowly pulled out his fingers. gently laughing as minho whined while tilting his chin down to look at jisung.

"this might hurt but i promise you'll feel good once you've adjusted." jisung explained.

"i trust you." minho smiled as he shifted slightly to get as comfortable as possible.

jisung coated his dick in a generous amount of lube, placing one hand on minho's waist while his other hand held his dick firmly to align it with minho.

as jisung slowly pushed in, minho audibly hissed in pain.

"i'll stop halfway so you can get adjusted, is that okay?" jisung moved his head over minho's. their faces inches apart as minho had moved his hands to grip jisung's bare shoulders.

"y-yeah." minho nodded as he slowly opened his eyes, waiting for a brief moment before asking jisung to continue pushing into him.

jisung complied, making sure to go slow enough so minho could feel as little pain as possible.

"how you doing, baby?" jisung asked, positioning his hands either side of minho's face as he smirked down at him.

"good, s-sir." minho panted, unable to open his eyes as he kept his chin tilted up to the car roof. "move."

with a sly chuckle, jisung ran his thumb over minho's bottom lip. raising an eyebrow when minho's eyes fluttered open as he was confused at the absence of action.

"ask me properly, princess."

minho felt his stomach swirl with arousal as he softly moaned.

"p-please move, sir." he spoke through soft pants as jisung moved a hand to tightly grip his waist.

"since you asked so nicely." jisung cooed, slowly pulling out a little over halfway before building up a rhythm of pushing in and out.

as he looked up at minho's face, he felt his body shudder with pleasure.

his roommate had his eyes half lidded. his lips were parted as low groans spilled out with every push. his chest was rising and falling as his breathing began to stutter.

the unwanted roommate - minsung Where stories live. Discover now