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it had been a few days since minho and jisung had last spoke. the guilt was now eating minho alive.

every time minho had caught sight of jisung, the younger had glared at him and harshly slammed the door to his bedroom or the bathroom.

today, minho couldn't take it anymore.

he stayed in his room before hearing jisung leave his own and head towards the kitchen.

minho took a deep sigh as he reached for the doorknob.

it was now or never.

after listening to the sound of cupboards opening and closing, minho knew jisung would be staying in the kitchen for a decent amount of time.

slowly, minho opened his door and caught sight of his roommate facing away from him.

he walked out and stopped at the dining table as jisung's shoulders had slumped at the sound of his footsteps.

"minho...i don't want to speak to you."

the older chewed his lip as he moved his attention to the floor.

"please," he managed to say. "please, just hear me out." 

jisung let out a deep sigh before turning around to face the older.

minho's heart wrenched at the younger's cold expression.

he saw the contemplation in jisung's eyes before he shrugged and rested his back against the kitchen counter.


the older sighed in relief as he took a few steps forward, making sure to keep a safe distance between them.

"i really want to apologise. i was wrong to say what i did and i hadn't meant a single word of it...when you started talking about your first impression of me, and your initial thoughts of why i acted a certain way, my guard immediately came up and that's why i got so defensive,"

jisung moved his eyes to the floor, only nodding for minho to continue.

"as soon as i realised what i'd said, and saw how hurt you were, there was no clear thought in my mind and that's why i couldn't speak afterwards. it wasn't true what i said. i don't hate you...a-and i never have."

the younger slowly lifted his head to look at minho.

he knew minho was being sincere though couldn't quite rid his mind of doubt.

minho had certainly acted as though he had hated him at many points since they first met.

"the truth is, you were completely right," minho continued as he rubbed his nape. "i hated the idea of a roommate and that's why i acted so cold towards you. our arguments were stupid and always because of something i did. i never meant to go through your things or push you to explain everything. w-when i found out about your dad, my heart broke."

after clearing his throat the pair met eyes.

"i hated seeing you so vulnerable and was touched when you turned to me for comfort. i-if it was purely an accident, and your emotions got the best of you, that's fine. but, i can't deny how i felt when i was holding you."

jisung kept his eyes on minho as the older sighed and ran a hand through his hair.

"when you came to me during a storm and helped me sleep that's...that's when i realised my true feelings for you."

his eyes widened as minho began to walk closer to him.

"jisung," he whispered, now close enough to place his hands on the counter, either side of jisung's body. "i don't hate you. in fact...i can't hate you."

a short silence prevailed as minho waited for jisung to push him away. instead, the younger flicked his attention between his eyes, his breathing unsteady at their close proximity.

"but i can't stand you," minho stared deeply into his eyes. "i can't bear how you make me feel and have been making me feel for weeks."

again minho took a deep breath before shaking his head at himself.

"jisung...i can't hate someone i'm in love with."

the younger's lips slightly parted in shock, staying silent as he watched minho struggle to continue.

"i-if you don't feel the same i understand, but i can't be around you...it's too hard."

jisung didn't dare speak. he knew minho was being sincere as his eyes were clear of deception. 

minho loved him.

a shaky inhale was heard as minho lifted his head to once again meet jisung's eyes.

"even if you don't feel the same...i can't bear to lose you."

before minho could drop his head, jisung cupped his face and held it firmly.

"then don't let me go."

before minho could react, jisung had pulled him in to a searing kiss.

he moved a hand to minho's shirt as he pulled the older impossibly closer, the other snaking into minho's hair as he held the back of his head. 

their heartbeats were pushed against each other as the kiss progressively became more heated. 

minho lifted his hands from the counter and rested them on jisung's waist, earning a moan from the boy in his arms as he had tightened his grip on his body. the hands then moving down to jisung's thighs.


jisung did as he was told and was immediately lifted to sit on the counter, wrapping his legs around minho's torso as his body was overheating with desire.

the passionate kiss was quickly broken as minho pulled back ever so slightly and stared intensely into jisung's eyes. both of them near panting against each other's lips.

"jisung," minho whispered. "i need you now."

the boy breathlessly moaned as minho had dug his nails into his lower back.

he leant forward, catching minho's bottom lip in his teeth before releasing it and smirking down at him.

"...then i'm yours."

is now a good time to mention this book contains smut ?  😏

the unwanted roommate - minsung Where stories live. Discover now