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the pair were now sat in the living room for the first time since moving in.

there were a few empty pizza boxes on the table in front. the pair both having gotten themselves a small pizza.

minho had turned on the tv only for a romance drama to be playing. neither of them were opposed to watching it and so it was left to play.

what they didn't realise, was how familiar the character's dynamic was.

currently, jisung and minho were sat at opposite ends of the couch, a fair distance between them.

neither had spoken since the food had arrived as neither knew what to say.

minho wasn't too bothered, however. he was content that his roommate had been successfully distracted for the time being.

suddenly, minho nearly jumped six feet in the air as a loud clap of thunder was heard.

jisung immediately leant over and placed his hand on minho's arm.

"minho, it was the drama, there isn't a storm outside." he quickly reassured.

minho flicked his eyes from jisung to look back at the television. he let out a deep sigh as he watched the male lead walking through a storm.

his shoulders relaxed as he looked down at the hand on his arm.

"t-thanks." minho smiled as his heart slowly fell to its usual rate.

jisung nodded as he gently retracted his hand, turning his attention back to the screen as he brought his knees to his chest.

in the drama, the male lead took shelter from the storm and walked into his house to see his wife with headphones on.

she turned round to look at him with a scared expression.

as jisung watched the male lead comfort her, he suddenly realised why it felt so familiar.

"minho...don't you think this is weird?" he asked with a small smile.

jisung watched as minho turned to him with a confused expression.

"what?...us sitting here?" he hesitantly spoke.

jisung shuffled closer as he waved his hands.

"no! no, not that i...i meant the drama." he pointed to the two actors as they held each other close.

the woman was beyond terrified at the sound of the thunder while the man was smiling as he softly comforted her.

"it's...it's kinda like me and you in a way."

minho understood immediately.

he playfully scoffed before crossing his hands over his chest.

"yeah but i'm taller than you." he lightly mocked as he gestured to their height difference.

jisung rolled his eyes and teasingly shoved his leg.

"besides..." minho smirked as he looked back to jisung

"...are you trying to say i'm the girl in this relationship?"

jisung's stomach turned.


minho's eyes widened as he looked over jisung's expression.

"oh-oh no! i-i didn't mean it like that, jisung! i just meant you know because we're like roommates and there's well-"

minho sighed as he cut himself off. he leant back onto the couch as he brought his hands to his face, too embarrassed to look at his roommate.

in his mind, jisung had looked almost revolted by what he'd said.

out of all the words that could have described their situation, minho had chosen one with unintentional connotations.

jisung noticed minho was embarrassed and slowly shuffled closer to him.

he gently placed his hands over minho's as he slowly lifted them from his face.

with the close proximity, jisung couldn't help but think back to when minho had kissed him.

maybe, minho had just accidentally blurted out his thoughts.

whether he was being delusional or not, jisung couldn't stop himself.

the younger slowly dropped one of minho's hands, placing his now free hand onto minho's cheek.

jisung let his eyes flutter shut before leaning forward to place a lingering soft kiss on minho's lips.

as he pulled away, he waited for minho's eyes to meet his.

"i-i don't know how you feel, minho..." he spoke as he flicked his gaze between minho's eyes and lips. "...but how about we try actually tolerating each other before a mention of a relationship?"

minho's lips slightly parted as he nodded.

as jisung leant back down into him, minho met him halfway to connect their lips.

he brought his hand to the back of jisung's hair, feeling two palms rest on his chest.

minho then turned his body and moved to lie back on the couch as jisung followed him.

the younger hovered over minho as their lips continued to softly move against each other.

for both of them, the slow and passionate kiss was a clear indicator of what they both now felt towards each other.

jisung slowly pulled away and sat back on his knees as he waited for a reply.

"i...i think we could try that." minho answered as he attempted to swallow the lump in his throat.

his whole body was tingling. the television was completely drowned out as his heartbeat was near deafening in his ears.

jisung rubbed his nape after noticing the dark sky outside.

"so i...i was going to go out on a walk before i felt too tired..."

he raised his head as minho let his eyes trail jisung's face.

"oh...okay. that's fine." minho replied as he tried to calm down his heart rate, for the second time.

jisung moved his hands to his lap as he shifted his attention to the coffee table, refusing to hold eye contact.

"i...i was going to ask if you want to come with me." he confessed in one breath.

minho slightly raised his eyebrows in pleasant surprise.

"yeah, if you want me to." he smiled. "i, erm, don't know where we can go, though."

the younger softly chuckled as he shook his head.

"you don't need to...i've been out quite a bit." he joked.

minho instantly mirrored his shy smile, his eyes shamelessly trailing jisung's soft features.

"grab yourself a warm jacket, and your shoes, and i'll meet you back here." jisung slowly stood up and walked to the kitchen to tidy away his things.

"i must admit, minho," jisung sighed as he walked back towards the bedrooms, pausing at his door to face his roommate with a shy demeanour. "i'm quite excited."

minho was lost for words. all he could manage was a small nod before jisung disappeared into his room, gently closing the door behind him.

the older then began to tidy away his own things, still with a smile on his face.

he could lie and say he wasn't looking forward to the walk.

but, as he thought more about the way jisung had kissed him,

minho knew this was the most excited he had been since the had pair moved in.

merry christmas !!! 🥰

the unwanted roommate - minsung Where stories live. Discover now