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jisung's build was small. he had slim legs with a tiny waist.

his hair was nearing black and was ever so slightly wavy.

jisung had been facing away from minho so the older hadn't yet seen his face. though, after a few seconds of minho looking over him, jisung turned round and almost jumped out of his skin.

"shit!" he yelled as he held his chest, trying to regain composure.

minho didn't react, he was too busy staring over jisung's face.

his eyes were dark and wide. they complimented his puffy cheeks while contrasting his sharp jawline.

he hadn't been able to stare too long as jisung turned back to the kitchen counter with a sigh.

minho scoffed at his behaviour. his roommate hadn't even bothered to introduce himself.

he watched as the shorter boy leant up on his tiptoes to close a cabinet that looked to be filled with a few snacks he'd obviously tucked into before his arrival.

as he spun round, jisung let his eyes trail his roommate.

minho was slightly taller with more of an athletic build.

his chest was broad while his facial features were sharp and pointed.

minho's hair was also dark with a slight part at the centre to expose his forehead.

however, jisung was more focused on the scowl on his face.

"why are you staring at me like that?"

minho furrowed his eyebrows after letting out a light scoff.

"what? can i not look at you?"

jisung only rolled his eyes. he hadn't expected his roommate to be so unwelcoming at their first meeting.

"forget it." jisung mumbled as he walked past the boy, almost shouldering him out of the way as he headed into his room.

minho was about to question why he hadn't shut his door but, soon enough, jisung then walked back out while pulling on his jacket, his key card held between his teeth.

he'd changed out of his shorts into a pair of black joggers that were slightly oversized due to his slender legs.

jisung ran a hand through his hair before taking his key card from his mouth and moving to the front door.

he opened it without another word, harshly pulling it shut behind him.

minho was about to wonder where he had gone but immediately decided not to care.

the dorm was now empty. exactly how minho would have wanted it.

he decided to follow his plan to make himself dinner now that his roommate was out of the way.

minho lifted out a small microwave meal from the fridge and set the timer accordingly.

as he stood alone, he couldn't help but feel a wave of relaxation. after all, the silence made him feel right at home.

sure the dorm wasn't as grand as his house, and where he was eating didn't even come close to how he'd dine at home. but still, minho was happy that the only sound present was that of the soft hammering of rain on the window.

once he was almost finished with his dinner, minho checked the time. he almost choked on his last mouthful as he saw the weather notification.

'thunderstorm likely.'

minho whipped his head round to the window behind him, only now noticing the sky was home to vast dark clouds.

a flash of light lit up the sky and minho didn't think twice to run into his room, slamming his bedroom door behind him.

he hastily rummaged through his backpack before finding his noise cancelling headphones.

the deafening clap of thunder caused his hands to shake while he desperately tried to take them out of their case.

after he managed to put them on, he buried himself under the covers in an attempt to block out the lightning bolts from outside.

his music was blasting and almost giving him a headache. but, as long as the thunder was barely audible, minho could withstand it.

minho was then in a relentless cycle of checking the weather app every few seconds, trying to find out when the storm would be passing.

his roommate, on the other hand, was still out in the streets.

i'm also terrified of storms, i always wear headphones and listen to kpop or put on a skz video to distract myself 😇

hope you enjoyed!

the unwanted roommate - minsung Where stories live. Discover now