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once again, jisung was sat at the empty bus stop.

he sighed as he leant his head back, conflicted on how to feel.

minho had been messing with his thoughts for days now.

as he thought back to how minho had comforted him, jisung couldn't believe it was so similar to how his father used to hold him.

but also, had minho held him any other way, something about being in minho's arms made jisung feel safe.

"fuck." jisung mumbled aloud. "when did hating you become so difficult?"

that's when he remembered. minho had kissed him.

not only that, but jisung hadn't pushed him away. in fact, he'd reciprocated it up until he felt a hint of desire, instantly making him want to be as far away from minho as possible.

there were too many emotions to decipher when he thought about minho. plus, with everything that had happened recently, jisung wasn't surprised his thoughts seemed so unclear.

with one last heavy sigh, jisung stood himself up and began walking back to the dorm.

❀ ☈ ❀

the lock on the door beeped as jisung swiped his card and quietly pushed open the door.

after noticing minho wasn't in sight, jisung assumed his roommate had gone to bed.

of course it wasn't surprising. minho was surely regretting his decision almost as much as jisung was.

so, jisung decided to also get himself ready for bed. as he was on the verge of collapsing, he settled for brushing his teeth without taking his usual evening shower.

once changed into the pyjamas he kept in the bathroom, since he'd never want minho to potentially see him half naked, jisung walked out the door and noticed minho's bedroom door was fully closed.

initially, he had wanted to speak to minho when he got home. but now, he decided to leave minho be.

as he pushed open his bedroom door, jisung was met with a surprising sight. 

lying on his bed was minho. his breathing was slow and jisung could tell he had obviously fallen asleep.

jisung quietly stepped inside and draped his jacket over the back of his chair, contemplating if he should go ahead with what his heart was telling him to do.

with one last sigh to himself, jisung gently shut his bedroom door and walked over to his bed.

carefully, he climbed onto it and leant down behind minho, hesitantly wrapping his arms around the older's waist.

minho stirred and was surprised to feel jisung against him.

"...w-what are you doing?" he whispered, confusion evident in his voice.

jisung rested his cheek against minho's back, ever so slightly tightening his grip.

"sleeping." he quietly replied, anxiously waiting for minho to respond or even harshly push him away. 

however, minho stayed in silence. he was extremely conflicted.

after he'd had left so quick, minho assumed jisung was disgusted by what had happened and so, once again, wanted nothing to do with his roommate anymore.

therefore, before he fell asleep, minho decided to hate jisung again. after all, his possible feelings being reciprocated was obviously out of the question.

or so, at least that's what he'd thought.

now, jisung was here. voluntarily holding minho close to his body.

minho, no matter how much he wanted to hate it, found himself slowly losing his tensed state as he allowed himself to relax in jisung's arms.

jisung, feeling that minho was letting it happen, shuffled to get even closer.

weirdly, their current closeness felt right. 

hesitantly, minho brought his hand up to rest on the arm around his waist before leaning back to get closer to the warmth he felt against his back.

neither of them said a word. 

the only sound that filled the room, was the deep breaths they were taking as both of them felt more than comforted. 

before they knew it, the pair had fallen asleep.


the unwanted roommate - minsung Where stories live. Discover now