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minho opened his door to see jisung on his bed, lying on top of the covers.

jisung was sound asleep with his back against the wall.

one hand was under minho's pillow, below his head, and his other was cushioned under his chin.

his lips were formed into a small pout while his chest was slowly rising and falling with each deep breath he took.

minho was not happy.

he walked over and stood at the side of his bed.


jisung's eyes fluttered open as he groggily stared up at minho.

"what are you doing?" minho asked as jisung rubbed his eyes with the back of his hand.

"are you dumb?" jisung blinked in frustration. "i was clearly trying to sleep." he mocked.

he was about to put his head back down on the pillow when minho pulled him up by his hoodie to sit.

"what do you think you're doing?" he spat. "get out of my room." 

minho, no matter how hard he tried, couldn't pull his gaze from jisung's eyes.

even though they held anger, jisung's eyes still looked slightly innocent.

jisung felt minho's grip on his hoodie but noticed minho was almost completely zoned out while staring at him.

he cleared his throat and pushed minho's arm away from his chest.

"i'm sleeping in the only other bed there is, dumbass." he gestured to minho's bed while he remained seated.

minho blinked out of his stare and was now back to a scowl.

"well i'm clearly wanting to sleep in my room which you're, for some reason, still in." he replied in a cold tone.

jisung stood and forcefully shoved minho to create distance between them.

"you are so fucking irritating."

minho wasn't about to let him get away with his comment and grabbed jisung's arm to pull him so they were facing each other.

"you've got a fucking nerve." he muttered as he once again stared into jisung's eyes.

as he was distracted, minho accidentally tightened his grip on jisung's arm, causing the younger to hiss in pain.

"god, minho, what's your problem!?" jisung yelled as he snatched his arm back and rubbed where he'd been grabbed.

"you were laying on my bed, where else was i meant to try and sleep!?" jisung asked as he threw up his arms in frustration.

"i was nice enough not to force you out of my room, yet here you are screaming and acting confused of why i'm now in yours."

minho could only stand in silence, completely lost for words.

jisung looked back in minho's eyes, anticipating a reaction, quickly realising minho was giving him the silent treatment.

"whatever." he scoffed as he turned and walked to minho's door. "i'm going to my room, to my bed. if you wanna kick me out of there and say i'm not allowed in either, go for it, i don't fucking care."

without waiting for a reaction, jisung walked out, slamming the door behind him.

then, minho heard jisung's own door slam. he stayed silent for a few seconds and concluded that jisung wasn't coming out again.

he shook his head at himself as he decided not to spare his roommate another thought.

"fuck him." he mumbled as he got himself into his own bed.

minho stared up at the ceiling. he couldn't rid his mind of what he'd done.

though he tried to remind himself that jisung had gone into his room, minho couldn't help but feel as though he was in the wrong.

he hadn't meant to go into jisung's room, whereas the younger had deliberately chosen to try and fall asleep in minho's bed.

minho shook it off and rolled over to face the wall.

ultimately, minho was now back in his own room and jisung was out of it.

that was all that mattered.

still, minho kept reliving how harshly he'd grabbed jisung.

he hadn't intended to be so forceful, but just felt so annoyed that jisung hadn't left the dorm and instead had invaded his space.

sighing, minho turned himself over again as he refused to think about jisung altogether.

but there was one thought at the forefront of his mind.

why couldn't he stop thinking about jisung's eyes?

thoughts ? (:

the unwanted roommate - minsung Where stories live. Discover now