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jisung was exhausted when he returned to the dorm in the late hours of the morning.

for the whole walk home, he'd been wallowing in self pity. feeling so pathetic for believing his roommate's feelings towards him could have ever changed.

jisung had so desperately wanted to believe it. yet, that night it had been confirmed.

minho hated him.

luckily, he hadn't seen minho that morning. instead, his body had jolted awake as he heard the front door close, signalling that minho had left for his morning class.

jisung let out a long sigh as he ran his hands down his face.

today, he didn't know what to do to occupy himself.

any idea that came to mind, immediately felt like a chore.

the usual escape of taking a walk was definitely off the table as his body was begging him to rest.

still, he knew he had to get up and stop feeling so sorry for himself.

so, reluctantly, he slipped out from his warm bed and decided to have a long shower.

as soon as the hot water hit him, jisung couldn't hold back from crying.

the exhaustion, alongside the pain in his heart, was too overpowering for him to suppress.

his shower took a lot longer than he had anticipated. mainly down to how aggressive his crying had become to the point he'd barely been able to lift his head to see what he was reaching up to the shower caddy for.

once he was out, jisung pulled on a pair of navy blue joggers and felt his heart wrench as he realised the shirt he'd carelessly grabbed.

one of his dad's old shirts.

deciding he needed the reminder, jisung pulled it over his head and immediately hugged himself.

as he didn't want to cry again, jisung quickly walked out of the bathroom and put his worn clothes in his laundry hamper before wandering into the kitchen to make himself some breakfast.

usually, jisung would take his time making a nutritious breakfast of a morning. however, the boy could barely lift his arms he was so exhausted, and so settled for a premade smoothie he lifted out of the fridge.

not wanting the dorm to be silent, jisung sat on the living room couch and flicked on the tv for some light entertainment.

with nothing appealing being on, jisung began to flick through the channels, trying to ignore all the memories creeping up of him and minho on the couch the day before.

unfortunately, jisung then stumbled upon the same drama him and his roommate had watched together.

his mind stopped him from turning over as he was stuck looking at how the male lead brought his scared wife into a soft embrace.

the promise he would never leave her, burning into jisung's mind.

the boy hadn't even realised tears were falling from his eyes until he felt a light droplet hit this thumb.

immediately he was brought back to his senses.

the remote was almost thrown down to the coffee table as jisung switched the tv off and hurried out of the living room.

tears blurred his vision as he hurried into his bedroom, slamming the door behind him and slumping against it.

gut wrenching sobs filled the empty room as jisung dropped his head into his hands.

the silence between hiccups only made him more aware of his feelings of complete isolation from everyone else.

he slowly lifted his eyes and caught sight of the box from his home on the floor, causing him to let out a painful cry as he realised how alone he really was.

the person who he had last turned to for comfort, wanted absolutely nothing to do with him.

for that, jisung wanted to hate minho.

fuck, jisung wanted to hate minho so much.

yet no matter how hard he tried, he couldn't.

in fact, jisung had started to think he might have been in love with him.

jisung pushed himself off the floor and threw open his wardrobe.

he lifted out an old blanket from home, grabbed his headphones from his desk, and shuffled over to his bed as he buried himself under his blanket.

a soothing song sounded in his ears as he desperately tried to block out his thoughts.

anything to stop him from feeling so alone, so pathetic,

so hated.

*virtual hugs*
also this book hit #4 in minsung AND 4k!? do u know how insane that is 😧 i can't thank you all enough for the support on this book and i hope you're enjoying it !! 💕

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