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jisung let out a deep sigh as he rested his head on the bus shelter window.

the thunder sounded as tears streamed down jisung's face.

"i miss you so much, dad." he whispered.

at that moment, jisung wanted nothing more than to be held by his father again.

while thinking about how they used to sit, minho came to mind.

jisung couldn't believe minho had almost replicated how his father used to hold him.

it was weird.

it made jisung feel weird.

he shook his head and turned his attention to the long flash that lit up the sky.

no matter how many he'd seen, thunderstorms for him were never boring.

the lightning strikes were always different in shape and jisung smiled as he saw a three stranded bolt appear in the sky.

he began to think about the sparkle in his father's eyes and bit his lip to contain a sob.

jisung didn't want to cry like he had before. it had left him unable to stand, nevermind walk, and jisung did not want to ask minho to rescue him should it happen again.

almost on cue, jisung felt his phone buzz.

hey hunny, call me tomorrow
and let me know how
you're doing xxx

jisung shoved his phone back into his pocket as he looked at the sky with a sigh.

"seriously, dad, why can't she leave me alone?"

another clap of thunder sounded and jisung felt a smile creep onto his face.

as lame as it sounded, jisung took it to mean his dad had reacted to his question.

jisung realised his eyes were almost closing and decided to head back to the dorm.

even though the storm hadn't quite come to an end, the last thing he wanted to do was fall asleep at the bus stop.

❀ ☈ ❀

jisung, once arriving home, wasn't surprised to see minho's door shut.

he was about to walk past when the thunder sounded.

however, that wasn't what caught his attention.

it had almost sounded as if minho had yelled in annoyance at something.

jisung was about to approach minho's room when he hesitated.

minho could have been dealing with anything and jisung was not about to ask him to explain himself.

for all he knew, minho still didn't like him.

in fact, he was sure minho had hated him since they had met.

but now, jisung was unsure if it was still truly hatred after minho had comforted him.

he cringed slightly as he remembered that minho hadn't exactly had a choice. jisung falling into him had been purely accidental.

as he approached the kitchen's window, jisung looked out as a lightning bolt lit up the sky.

he was about to smile to himself when he heard another yell, right up until the clap of thunder ceased.

now, jisung couldn't ignore the feeling in his stomach.

meanwhile, minho's headphones had died and so had carelessly been thrown to the other side of his room.

now, he was left to press his hands over his ears while the thunder taunted him relentlessly.

he had been too busy trying to verbally block it out and so hadn't noticed jisung was knocking on the door.

jisung had been knocking for some time and took a deep breath before lightly pushing open the door.

it was then he noticed the covered lump and remembered back to the first time he'd seen minho in that state.

only now did he realise the reason.

jisung slowly crouched down and gently tapped minho's body.

thankfully, minho wasn't too spooked. he lifted the cover off of his head with one hand before quickly bringing it back over his ear.

there was another flash and simultaneous clap of thunder as minho watched how jisung didn't react.

jisung on the other hand, saw the fright in minho's eyes.

jisung pointed at himself, then the door.

"go?" he mouthed, knowing minho wouldn't have wanted to uncover his ears.

minho bit his lip and thought for a minute.

as a long flash of light appeared on the wall, minho quickly made his decision. he aggressively shook his head and received a gentle nod.

"there...?" jisung mouthed again as he pointed behind minho.

minho nodded, waiting for jisung to sit back against the headboard.

as the thunder sounded, minho quickly shuffled over. jisung's back was near pinned against the headboard as he felt minho pushing his body into him in fear.

minho's head rested uncomfortably on jisung's shoulder as he kept his hands in place.

he felt a light touch on one hand as jisung slowly pulled it from his head.

"look..." jisung whispered as he pushed minho's right ear onto his chest above his heartbeat.

"...i can't take away the flash, but i can try and stop you hearing the thunder." jisung gently explained.

minho was lost for words.

he slowly relaxed against jisung as he felt the younger's hand begin to rub his back.

another flash could be seen causing minho to wince.

hearing it, jisung moved the hand from minho's back up to his hair and slowly smoothed it back.

jisung didn't know exactly what he was doing. but, since he'd returned home, all he wanted was comfort.

though he hadn't expected to experience comfort from minho, jisung currently felt more than relaxed with him.

minho could barely hear the thunder over jisung's loud and slow heartbeat.

but all that filled his mind, was the uncertainty of what he now felt towards jisung.

the pair's breathing slowed and, before they knew it, both of them drifted off to sleep, strangely content in the feel of each other.

progress? 😇

the unwanted roommate - minsung Where stories live. Discover now