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thankfully, minho somehow managed to fall asleep and had woken up to the storm having passed.

as he opened his door, he was surprised to see both jisung's bedroom door and the bathroom door had been left wide open.

however minho was cautious and didn't want to celebrate too early.

he slowly walked to the middle of the hallway and looked around the kitchen and living space.

a smile crept onto his face as he realised that jisung was no longer in the dorm.

although he didn't know how long jisung would be out, minho decided to use this time to his advantage.

of course there wasn't much to do in the dorm. there was a tv unit at the corner of the main room but neither minho or jisung ever remembered to buy batteries for the remote. 

so, being productive, minho walked back into his room, grabbed a sticky note and noted down the word 'batteries'.

once adding just a few more grocery items, minho stuck the note on the fridge and, after deciding there was nothing exciting to do in the dorm, wandered back into his room.

his attention was then caught by the window, only now realising how close the sky was to being pitch black.

as he checked his clock he was surprised to see that it was nearing 9pm.

since his roommate was still out, minho decided to head into the bathroom to get ready for bed, pleased that he could take as much time as he wanted.

after he turned on the shower, minho stepped over the side of the bath and let the warm water run down his body.

a smile crept onto his face as he realised he could truly enjoy a long shower without having to worry about being considerate with timing for his roommate.

of course, minho never really cared about jisung having something to say about how he utilised his living space.

and anyway, minho wasn't going to change his ways. nevertheless for someone he didn't even like.

❀ ☈ ❀

minho wasn't sure how long his shower had taken. instead, he was more focused on the pleasant realisation that jisung hadn't bothered him or asked to use the bathroom.

after pulling on a pair of red chequered pyjama pants and a long sleeve navy t shirt, minho decided to get himself a quick drink from the kitchen.

he walked in and saw that nothing had been moved or untouched.

"that's odd." he mumbled.

looking down at the stove, he furrowed his eyebrows at the time.


that's when minho realised he hadn't heard jisung return to the dorm. 

minho found himself walking back towards the bedrooms to see jisung's door still wide open. 

with curiosity over taking him, minho walked into jisung's bedroom.

a surprised hum left his lips as he looked down at the desk to see jisung's closed textbook.

"literature..." minho gave the book a look over before putting it back in the original place.

he was about to walk away when something caught his eye.

"you have got to be fucking kidding me." minho scowled.

on the desk was jisung's key card meaning jisung was locked out of their dorm. 

minho harshly sighed in exasperation as he ran a hand down his face.

"that fucking... urgh." minho muttered aloud as he hurriedly walked out of jisung's room.

minho walked around the living space as he wondered what to do.

on one hand, minho could go to bed and let jisung remain locked out since it wasn't his responsibility that jisung forgot something important.

on the other hand, he couldn't bear the thought of jisung being annoyed at him for doing so.

jisung would most definitely have something to say and minho couldn't imagine having to actually talk to his roommate.

he still wasn't over their argument from before. 

minho let out a groan. his idea of leaving the key card outside was quickly disregarded as it wasn't like he could text jisung to tell him it was hidden outside the door.

come to think of it, minho didn't even have jisung's number.

minho only shrugged. he knew jisung had already been out for three hours and concluded that his roommate wouldn't take that much longer to return to the dorm.

besides, what could jisung possibly be doing to spend that much time outside the dorm?

so, minho walked into his bedroom and wedged his door open.

he decided to be moderately helpful and listen out for when jisung would knock at the door.

at least, that's what minho thought jisung would do.

it's been so rainy here :O

the unwanted roommate - minsung Where stories live. Discover now