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jisung opened the front door with a sigh.

he began to walk towards the kitchen as he placed his slightly soaked bag of shopping onto the kitchen counter.

only then did he notice the state of the dining table.

"is he serious?" jisung scoffed to himself.

on top of the table was minho's plate, cup, and cutlery that he clearly hadn't bothered to tidy away.

jisung rolled his eyes. not only was his roommate anything but welcoming, but it appeared that he was also messy.

jisung took off his wet jacket and draped it over the chair opposite to where minho had been sitting.

he walked back over to the counter as he began to pack away his items into the cupboard. they were mostly basic such as paper towels, a few tinned goods, and a few packs of ramen.

he wasn't going to ask minho what sort of things he liked so had just bought universal items. after all, his roommate would probably want to buy his own things.

jisung then carefully moved the two mugs sitting on the counter back to their original space, lightly sighing as he looked over them.

he lifted his head back up and reached up to close the cabinet door. he cringed as he had accidentally pushed too hard causing it to slam.

after waiting a few seconds, he exhaled at the silence.

he then picked up his empty shopping bag and placed it in one of the drawers.

he smoothed the hair back from his face and walked into the bathroom to start getting ready for bed.

minho jolted awake as he'd heard a cabinet door slam.

he let his eyes focus on the clock on his desk as he sighed. in all honesty, minho hadn't even realised he'd fallen asleep.

however, he was more than thankful that the storm had gone and so crawled out from his impromptu sanctuary, running his hands down his face.

a scowl came as a result of him noticing the shut bathroom door. until now, he had forgotten about jisung.

instead, minho opted to go to the kitchen, quickly realising he'd left the dinner table untidy.

"oh yeah." he thought aloud as he remembered abandoning his dinner once the storm had started.

that's when his eyes tracked to jisungs's jacket. still, minho paid no further attention to it and rolled his eyes.

after walking past it without a second glance, minho moved his plate and cutlery to the sink to wash them.

once he had placed them on the draining board, that's when he noticed two mugs tucked into the corner of the counter.

minho realised that jisung must have gone to the shops on his outing, and so concluded that jisung had bought some things for the two of them in the dorm.

he heard the bathroom door open, but decided against turning around.

footsteps were heard as his roommate walked into the room. minho kept to himself and refused to look in his direction.

a small cough and sniff from the younger broke the silence.

as minho kept his body turned to the window, he wondered if jisung was beginning to develop a cold from being out in the storm.

minho harshly shook his head as he shrugged off the thought. if jisung was sick, minho was not about to hang around to take care of him.

once he had heard jisung retreat to his room, minho turned to walk back to his own when he tripped over a pair of chunky converse.

he angrily kicked them to the side and walked to his bedroom, slamming the door behind him only to instantly reopen it after picking up his things for the bathroom.

as he walked in, the smell of strawberries lingered in the air. minho looked over to the shower caddy to see a red shampoo and conditioner bottle that had obviously been used.

he placed his own showering items onto the shelf above as he stepped in and turned on the water to begin washing his hair.

once he was out and had brushed his teeth, minho pulled on some navy blue sweatpants and a black t-shirt.

he ran a hand through his slightly damp hair as he walked back into his bedroom.

this time, he shut the door with his foot as his hands were full with the clothes he had been wearing.

after chucking them into his laundry bag, minho set himself down in his bed to sleep.

he slowly closed his eyes and took in the silence of the dorm.

a smile soon crept onto his face as he tried to imagine himself back at home.

the silence definitely helped him to feel his usual state of being alone.

though, no matter how hard he tried, he couldn't rid the thought that jisung was in the room next to him.

however, after what felt like a lifetime of trying to remind himself he didn't care about his roommate, he soon managed to drift to sleep.

jisung on the other hand, had been asleep for a while.

he was able to push all thoughts of his roommate, and his current situation, out of his head before he had even closed his eyes.

instead, the last few thoughts he had while being awake had been about his father.

as long as storms would be a frequent occurrence while he was stuck here,

jisung began to think he might just be able to stand it.

it's cute this chapter is 914 words :)
sorry if it's quite slow at the minute. things will soon get pretty interesting...🙃

the unwanted roommate - minsung Where stories live. Discover now