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"I do not trust that man." Daerion exclaimed, as he burst into Selaena's chambers. It was the morning of her departure, and she was packing her bags with the help of Alessia, her close friend and handmaiden.

The girl hummed with a smile. "Good morrow, dear brother."

Her brother huffed. "I will not allow you to travel to Westeros alone. It is much too dangerous, Daemon is not sharing the full truth."

"I'm aware the Prince withholds the full truth, I understand the risk of my journey. I will not be alone, brother. Cassian, Alessia and Lyrax will all be with me." She reached for the pendant around her neck, a vial of blood, her blood mixed with the blood of her three siblings: Daerion, Daegon and Daena. "You will always be with me as well."

Daerion reached for his sisters face and pressed their foreheads together. "I love you, my Queen."

"And I you, brother." Selaena said.

Daerion placed a kiss on her forehead as he pulled back, still keeping Selaena in his embrace. "Father and mother would be so proud of you. As am I."

Alessia cleared her throat, interrupting the moment between siblings. "Everything is ready to go, Sel. I'll get Cassian to bring these to Lyrax."

Selaena nodded. "Thank you."

Daerion sighed. He did not want his sister to leave. While he held the title of King, he was not the true ruler of Valyria, that was Selaena.

"I will be only a day's flight away brother. You cannot get rid of me that easy."

As Cassian was loading the last of their belongings onto Lyrax's saddle, Daemon landed beside them atop his dragon, who Selaena had yet to meet.

She approached the dragon as his rider dismounted. "He is very beautiful."

"Indeed, his name is Caraxes"

Selaena reached her hand out towards him. "Hello, Caraxes."

The dragon made a sound that almost sounded like a pur, as he pressed his snout into Selaena's hand.

This shocked the Prince, as his dragon was never fond of new people, or anyone but himself for that matter. "He likes you."

"Most dragons do, though I do not know why." That was a lie. Selaena knew exactly why dragons liked her, but Daemon didn't need to know that.

Daemon hummed. "Well, I believe we best start our journey. How will your guard and handmaiden follow us with no ship?"

Selaena chuckled. "They fly on Lyrax with me."

"With all that cargo on the saddle?"

"Lyrax is a large dragon, my Prince. He has carried the three of us to many places further than Westeros. We can make the journey."

He quirked an eyebrow. "Very well."

As they were preparing to leave, Daerion approached them from the main hall. "Daemon."

"Yes, My King?"

Daerion stared him down. "If anything happens to my sister, I will know immediately. You will be held responsible."

"Nothing will be done to the Queen, you have my word. Are you not accompanying your wife?" Daemon asked.

Both Selaena and Daerion looked at him as if he grew two heads. "Wife?"

The two burst out laughing. "WIFE?!"

Daemon stood there confused as the two monarchs almost wet themselves laughing. The two must be married, they are King and Queen after all!

"We are not married, Prince Daemon. He is only my brother. We rule alongside each other as King and Queen, nothing more." Selaena explained after she calmed down.

"I see.." Daemon did not quite understand, his one short night spent in Mantarys he has learned the Maeralys family holds odd customs, more so than his own family. An unmarried pair ruling? How peculiar.

"We must get going, my Queen." Cassian spoke up. "The day grows late."

Selaena nodded. "Indeed, we must."

She looked to Daerion, who nodded at her. Farewell sister.

Farewell brother, I'll see you again.

shorter chapter two, I wanted to get her to Westeros as fast as possible, so enjoy this filler chapter for now. I apologize that it's boring, I wanted to build the relationship between her and her siblings a bit (even though we have only seen Daerion). All three will play an important role later on.

Let me know your thoughts! (Seriously please comment I will read every single one)

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