bȳre lantēpsa

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Aemond and Lucerys had been back for a couple hours before Selaena and Daemon returned, since everything had gone quite smooth after Daeron had fled. Lord Tyrell was quick to bend the knee, strongly against religious heretics.

The first to greet them, besides the guards, was Aemond surprisingly; he wore his signature smirk upon seeing them in near-perfect condition.

With Aemond walking freely, and seemingly in good spirits, Daemon knew all had gone well for Lucerys and him. He didn't know what he would have done if something had happened to Luke...

Even Aemond... He was another in the family he had come to realize was very similar to himself.

"Lords Baratheon and Tyrell have confirmed their standing. Now the Faith Militant can no longer roam freely throughout the Reach." Aemond was the first to speak, as the other two got close enough to him.

Selaena smiled in response as they reached him at the bottom of the steps.

"Where is everyone else?" Daemon inquired.

Aemond was silent for a moment before sighing, "Well, it seems as though Baela and Rhaena convinced their grandsire's and Rhaenyra to arrange a 'family lounge' as they call it. There is couches and cushions all over the throne room, and everyone has been 'lounging' in there ever since." He rolled his eye dramatically. "I was the only responsible one keeping watch for your return, however."

Selaena and Daemon stared at him for a moment, then slowly looked to each other in their peripherals at the same time, before bursting out in synchronized laughter. Daemon clapping a hand on Selaena's shoulder as she swung her head back in her hysteries.

"If I hadn't known you, I'd have taken you for one of those Braavosi actors." Selaena said through her chortles.

Daemon, now calming down, moved his hand to ruffle Aemond's smooth hair, "Never would have surmised the Targaryen dramatics would truly come through in you."

Aemond, was no longer able to hold up his facade, and snorted loudly, which caused the two to resume their laughter.

"As much as I enjoy hoarding the company of you both, everyone else is surely awaiting your news, as am I."

Their laughs quieted and Daemon nodded, moving to follow Aemond into the Great Hall, but Selaena remained rooted to her spot, an almost clouded look in her eye. A stark contrast from a mere second ago.

All of the sudden, she reverted to Valyrian as she began to move back towards Vermithor, who had remained looming in the courtyard, even though Caraxes had left long ago.  "I... Give me a moment... Daemon may deliver the news..." Her eyes snapped to Daemons, and he understood immediately what was going on. "Uhh.. Lyrax is... waiting for me..."

Aemond was confused at her sudden change in demeanour, but Daemon replied before he could "Everthing is alright?"

She was still for a moment, then nodded once stiffly.

"Well, come on then." Daemon spoke again, now being the one to take lead into the Great Hall, not before shooting once last look to Selaena. Only she would know that he was concerned.

Selaena, however, had taken no time after their exit to mount Vermithor, who had taken to the skies instantly with no need for a command. He had known where he needed to go, for she held no mind to anything around her, she just knew she had to get to the beach. Where Lyrax was.

Something was waiting for her there... no... she was to wait for something there...

Lyrax; a stark contrast to the white sands surrounding her, roared up towards her two companions in the sky as they approached.

WINDS OF CHANGE ~ JACAERYS VELARYONWhere stories live. Discover now