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note: bolded text is High Valyrian

"My queen, pardon the interruption." Cassian spoke as we approached the Queen, who was reading a book near her window. "A man who arrived on a dragon claims to be your cousin and has asked to speak with you. A Targaryen. Lyrax is on standby, what's your call?"

The girl held up her hand. "No need, Cassian. Take me to this man."

Her sworn shield nodded and lead the way out of her chambers. "He is in the main hall with the King Regent being questioned."

The Queen rolled her eyes. "He really is quite dramatic. I can greet a guest here for me on my own."

Cassian cleared his throat to cover his slight laugh, he was very close with his Queen, but he needed to remain professional outside of closed doors.

The guards stationed outside the main hall opened the doors for the two upon their approach, Cassian proudly announcing "Queen Selaena of Mantarys."

The white-haired man in armour bowed to the approaching woman. "My Queen."

"This is Prince Daemon Targaryen, my Queen." Daerion spoke from the throne behind the guest.

Selaena nodded. "Welcome to Mantarys, Prince Daemon. Cassian says you are here to speak with me?"

The man nodded. "Indeed your grace. Somewhere more private if that would be alright."

Daerion opened his mouth to protest, to which Selaena raised her hand and sent him a sharp look. "You may accompany me to the council room."

Daemon nodded and sent a wary glance to the King, who watched him with a deadly glare, as he followed Selaena and Cassian.

"It would seem the Targaryen's of Westeros have finally discovered us." Selaena hummed.

"Your family is quite elusive, your grace."

The girl chuckled. "Indeed. Your Kingdoms politics are quite hectic, I chose to stay uninvolved."

"I must agree, and that is actually why I am here." Daemon said.

Selaena raised an eyebrow. "Explain."

"I have done some digging for information your grace, and I had stumbled upon some rumours about Princess Saera Targaryen."

Selaena's face paled.

"It would seem the Princess had a child after fleeing to Lys. A child who is now a Queen of Valyria."

Cassian reached for his sword, ready for Selaena to give an order. The secret she has kept hidden all her life has been discovered. How many others could know? The Targaryen family was not overly loved, Selaena could be in greater danger.

"It seems the time has come." Selaena sighed. "It's true, Prince Daemon. My mother was Princess Saera Targaryen, and my father King Jaevon Maeralys. However, I do not yet understand why you have come."

"My father was Baelon Targaryen, your mother's elder brother. My brother, is the current King." Daemon started

"I still do not follow."

"Your claim to the throne would be the same as Viserys, my Queen. Greater than the current heir." Daemon admitted.

Selaena leaned back in her seat, she had pondered this possibility. Her mother was the daughter of a King. She did have some form of a claim to the throne of Westeros.

"And what are you proposing with this information?" Selaena asked. Although she knew, this man was asking her to take over the throne eventually.

"There is much infighting in my family. The Kings eldest son is being pushed to be the next heir, by the Queen and the Hand. I fear if either were to sit on the throne, it would end in blood." Daemon explained. "I believe this could be avoided, should a new rightful heir take over."

"So you are asking me to be the Queen of the Seven Kingdoms? A land I have never visited and leave my own kingdom?" Selaena asked.

"Indeed I am, your grace. Our Kingdom is crumbling, the Kings health is deteriorating. The Hand warms the throne. The poor suffer greatly in the capital, I could only imagine the conditions elsewhere."

Selaena felt a string tug in her heart, to her the people of your kingdom were the most important above all. Without them, you are Queen of nothing. "And the King? What has he done to repair this?"

Daemon laughed. "The King has no ability to rule in his condition, the cunt of a Hand cares only for his own ambitions, he has no care for the poor and sick. They only get in his way."

Selaena saw red. She knew Westeros was not the most ideal living, but she did not know it was that bad. "You're certain of the poor conditions within the capital, my Prince?"

Daemon nodded. "I was Captain of the City Guard once, your grace. It is a slum, the people, children to elderly, live in squalor."

"That is unacceptable. Your King is a joke, his Hand more so."

Daemon laughed. "Right you are, cousin."

"So. You would like me to accompany you to Westeros? How do you expect me to take control of this throne?"

Daemon swallowed. "I'll admit, I came here on my own accord. My wife, the current heir has no clue of my whereabouts. Deep down, she does not want the weight of the crown. She would support your claim, and those loyal to us as well."

"You believe me to be a good ruler for your Kingdom?"

"The look on your face once I explained the state of King's Landing is all I needed to confirm. You have ruled your kingdom benevolently, and are loved by the people. I see no one better to rule Westeros."

He was right, Selaena had completely liberated the Kingdom of Valyria. There was not one citizen living in poverty, and it was all thanks to her.

"Very well, Prince Daemon. I will accompany you to Westeros."

First chapter finally done! Let me know your thoughts. I have a lot planned for this so I hope you enjoy Selaena and her family's story!

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