vore ampā

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When Selaena drunkenly stumbled into her room through the window as the sun was rising, and she found Daemon waiting for her near the fire.

"Seems like you had quite a time."

She laughed, joined him by the fire. "You can't say you wouldn't have done the same."

"I know, but you need to be careful now with the confirmation of the Faith Militant. You can't be going to Flea Bottom alone anymore." Daemon sighed.

"I wasn't alone, I found Aegon, also drowning in his cups."

"The Greens are going to continue to push for Aegon on the throne, and you want to make friends?" He raised a brow.

"He doesn't want the throne. In all honesty, i'm contacting my Master of Ships tomorrow to inform him of a new crewmate for his exploration vessel. Aegon can go whenever he pleases." Selaena answered, leaning back against the chair.

"You'd send a rival Prince to your homeland? Why?" Daemon asked, like he couldn't believe it.

"He is no threat to my crown there by a long shot. Besides, he'll never want to return home once he arrives, I can promise that. It was a fair exchange, one less challenge for the Throne for me, the live he's always wanted for him. I think having the Queens eldest under my belt is a great advantage." Selaena replied.

Daemon hummed. He honestly would never have thought of taking Aegon down in a way other than dragonfire, but Selaena worked fast.

"Don't let him leave for Valyria yet."


"We want the Greens to think they're pulling the rug from under us, yes? We can't let them lose Aegon yet."

"What all did Alessia tell you?" Selaena asked.

"Only about the Faith Militant, that is was ordered by Alicent. Why?"

"That wasn't all." She sighed, and looked into the flames. "Cassian has betrayed me."

"What? You're serious?"

Selaena nodded. "My brother is my spymaster, he a been in the city for some time now. He's seen Cassian leaving the Queens chambers late at night, and spends a lot of time in the Hands Tower now."

Daemons jaw went slack. "I would never have expected that from him. The boy seemed to be in love with you."

"I know, but I am not going to dwell on it. She might have Cassian, but I have her first-born son. When the time comes, we'll see which matters more." Selaena shrugged.

Daemon howled with laughter. "You really are ruthless. How did you plan of handling that?"

Selaena thought for a moment. "I don't know what he has been telling them, but Cassian knows nothing of the true standings of my army. Or how many allies I actually have. I wonder when they'll
learn his information really holds no value."

He laughed again, and went to speak but Selaena screamed loudly in agony and dropped to the floor out of no where.

A burning pain ran through her gut, and she clutched her stomach. Lyrax.

"I have to get to the beach! Get me to the beach!" She exclaimed to Daemon, pushing herself off the floor haphazardly.

"What- Are you okay? Why?" He stuttered out, confused as to whats happening.

"Someone has hurt Lyrax, you have to take me to the beach." She groaned out.

Daemons eyes widened and he nodded, he got the girl on his back, and he took off quickly through the fastest route he knew to the beach. As soon as they stepped onto the sand, Selaena jumped off his back and took off in a run into the dark night.

WINDS OF CHANGE ~ JACAERYS VELARYONWhere stories live. Discover now