mēre ampā

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Viserys did not beat around the bush as soon as the two of them were left alone in the throne room.

"Now, why is it you have come? With the spectacle you created in Flea Bottom, I know it is not to only join the family."

She hummed in response, "I will admit, I have been lead here for the crown. I do not intend on stealing it, however."

Viserys was about to reply, but Selaena paid no mind and continued. "Your brother, Prince Daemon, ventured to my kingdom on his own accord; behind the back of his wife, your heir Princess Rhaenyra. His goal behind the journey was to return with a Queen, whose claim would be the same as the current King, outshining both the current heir and the first-born son of the King."

"Are you saying Daemon has plans to usurp the throne?" He questioned.

She shook her head, "No, your grace, Daemon has not vied for the throne for many years. What he wants most is to keep his family from falling apart, and repair the rift the meddling of your hand and your marriage with Alicent Hightower has caused."

Viserys was silent, and minusculey shrunk into the throne further. He knew deep down, he really was mainly at fault for the rift in his family, but he could never admit that out loud. Selaena knew that.

"He believes that the addition of a familial outlier would cease the infighting within the family. I am inclined to agree, yet I know it is too good to be true. However," She paused, taking a glance around the throne room, she could see the distinct Valyrian craftsmanship in some parts of the room, reminding her of home. "I have been receiving dreams since I could remember. One that sticks out amongst others, is the one of a man with silver hair on a red dragon, delivering me a crown of gold. The very crown I see resting upon your head."

"A dream you say... Please... Continue." He spoke after a moment of pondering while looking into her eyes.

The King was not in perfect condition by any means, but he hasn't felt healthier in years since the arrival of this girl, and he could not detect any malice behind her eyes. She spoke the unfiltered truth.

"Of course it confused me at first, I had garnered a kingdom of my own. I knew of no other Valyrians who held a crown than the ones in Westeros. So I gathered information, I did not know much, as my mother Saera died during my birth, a sacrifice to replenish her father's kingdom as I learned. I have been blessed by the gods of Valyria, and am destined to save this family, and kingdom the Targaryen's have built, from ruin. When Daemon arrived on my doorstep at last, I knew it all to be true. Thus, upon my arrival to Dragonstone, Rhaenyra receded her claim to the throne for me. If you will, I will carry the burden of being the heir to the Seven Kingdoms."

Viserys was silent, he couldn't believe what the girl was saying. He had dreams before, vague glimpses of a bright future, with a female ruler, but they had vanished in an instant. "You... You are the one from my dreams..."

Selaena tilted her head, urging him to continue, which got him to explain.

"I see... it would seem so..." She agreed, not sure where he was going with this.

He spoke up after a moment, and his eyes twinkled, as if he was never more sure of what he was thinking in his life. "At the tourney of celebration for your arrival, we should announce you as heir to the throne, before all the High Lords of Westeros."

Selaena bowed her head, and kneeled before him, and he spoke up. "None of that, come here child, we are family."

He pulled her gently to her feet and stood with her, wrapping his arms around the girl. He mumbled so quietly, she almost didn't catch it. "Thank you..."

She tightened her arms around the older man in response, until he pulled away and sat back down with her help.

"You must get settled, I will grant you two members of my Kingsguard for your protection while you are here, until your own guard arrive, and they will bring you to the room you will be staying in. But, cousin, we must keep this between us until I announce it."

Selaena nodded, a little shocked at the reference to their relation, as she was much younger than he was. Of course she knew it meant he saw her as an equal now, and anyone else would see that now. "Of course, cousin. It is between us. Thank you for your gracious generosity. I will prepare myself and accompany you and your family for dinner?"

He nodded, then called for guards who seemed to be waiting right outside the side door Alicent left through.

They kneeled before the two as Viserys appointed them to her. "Queen Selaena is an esteemed guest of the crown, you will provide her with protection during her time in Kings Landing. Please escort her to the room she will be staying in."

The two men nodded and rose, "Right this way."

As soon as the three were out of the throne room, Selaena took the time to get a good look at the two. The taller one carried two axes on his hips, which clanked against his armour as they walked, he had dark brown hair sticking from under his helm which curled at the ends. The shorter one had a great longsword across his back, nearly touching the floor, he had no hair from what she could see.

"What are your names, Sers?"

"I am called Luther, your grace. This is Alistar." The tall one said, motioning to the other one.

"It is a pleasure to meet the both of you, I am inclined to thank you for your service in protecting me during my stay."

"The pleasure is all ours, it is an honour to protect our esteemed guest, your grace." Alistar responded.

She lightly scoffed, which caused both to glance in her direction. "Apologies, but if we are to spend many moons in each others presence, you can drop the honorifics. Please, call me Selaena."

"Very well, Selaena." Alistar nodded, Luther following.

They reached a door at the end of a hallway, which took three flights of stairs to reach. "This will be where you stay, your belongings have already been delivered. This was Princess Saera's room, during her time in the capital. The King thought it'd be best suited for your use, it has been untouched, apart from preparations for you, since she left." Luther explained.

Selaena let out a small breath, and nodded. "Thank you, Luther and Alistar."

They both nodded and Luther spoke again, "We will be right outside your door. Let us know if there is anything you need, a handmaiden will be appointed to you shortly."

She held up her hand. "There is no need, I can do things on my own."

He nodded once more before closing the door behind him.

She was finally able to look around the room now that she had no distractions. There was no dust on any of the furniture or belongings, it must have been cleaned promptly upon her arrival.

There were necklaces and other jewelry strewn about a dressing table, as well as a closet left ajar stuffed with dresses of many colours, mainly black and red.

A messy pile of books laid on the bedside table, and Selaena grabbed the one left opened. A History of the Magic from Old Valyria, What is Known


Her mother had always been curious and knowing of her families history with magic, and Selaena knew now, that is why she left for the Free Cities.

Instead of putting away her things, she explored her mother's old room, learning more about the woman she never had the chance to know properly. As her father, Jaevon, would hardly speak a word about her.

A couple hours must have passed, as a knock on her door startled her from looking through her mothers dresses.

"You may enter." She spoke out.

The one-eyed Prince appeared through her door, Aemond.

"I have come to escort you to dinner."

She nodded. "Thank you, Prince Aemond. Please excuse me for a moment as I change into something more suited for such an event."

hiiii hope this chapter finds you all well! As alwYs let me know what you think! :)

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