izula lantēpsa

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Reading about the history and beauty of Old Valyria had intrigued Aegon when he was younger, but words on a page could only do so much to describe the beauty that currently laid before him.

He knew he had arrived when Sunfyre had suddenly become restless, and the compass Selaena gave him began spinning.

As he urged his companion to dip below the clouds, he was welcomed with the most beautiful sight he had ever seen. All exhaustion from his journey was wiped away in an instant. He felt as if he had been pulled into the pages of his old history book with how well the Valyrian architecture had been maintained.

A feeling he hadn't felt since Selaena called him brother washed over him. He was home.

He didn't get to observe the view for much longer, as a dark brown shadow cut in front of Sunfyre, breaking both dragon and rider out of their trance.

Aegon whipped his head in the direction it left, and saw a dark brown dragon with black tipped scales, almost the size of Vermithor, mounted by a scarily large man with silver-white hair.

The man jerked his head, indicating to follow. Aegon could only assume it was Daerion, Selaena's eldest brother.

They continued flying for another few moments, as Daerion led them to the castle sat at the top of the hill, overlooking the city. There was a grand courtyard, for which Aegon could only assume was built to fit Lyrax.

As both dragons went to land, Daerion was already jumping off his mount before he could touch down.

Aegon couldn't help but think of Selaena after seeing that, and it made him miss her already.

"That feeling will never go away. Even when she is around." Daerion spoke up, standing near Aegon, who has yet to dismount.

He quickly joined the overly-tall man on the ground, tilting his head in question.

Daerion lightly grabbed the chain around his neck, which held the compass. His eyes flashed with recognition of some kind. "She always leaves a piece of herself within everyone she meets." He smiled. "But who is replacing those pieces?"

Aegon was speechless. His High Valyrian was a little rusty, but he understood everything clearly.

Daerion shook his head and cleared his throat. "My apologies. You just look so much like my dear sister, and I can feel her energy all around you. Made me a bit emotional, honestly. We were at each others side constantly before she left. Anyway, I'm King Daerion, Sovereign of Valyria in the Queen's absence."

His Westerosi was as flawless as his Valyrian, but all Daerion got in response was a slack jaw and a few slow blinks. He rambled so fast it felt as if Aegon had never been talked to so much at once in his life.

Daerion blushed. "Sorry." He apologized again. "With all of my siblings in Westeros, i've been so lonely here without anyone to mutually torment. Welcome to Valyria, Aegon Maeralys, my new brother. I've done plenty of talking already. Come, I want to hear everything my sister leaves out of our correspondence!"

Aegon got used to Daerion's talkative nature very quick, he genuinely was extremely lonely after his three siblings left home. So much so he declared Aegon would remain with him for a fortnight, so they could spend time together.

He failed to realize that with Selaena's acceptance, it meant all her siblings now held him in the same regard. Again, this kind of affection was something Aegon was not used to at all. No one often wanted to be around him.

WINDS OF CHANGE ~ JACAERYS VELARYONWhere stories live. Discover now