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"And why should I trust you?" The woman asked.

The man hummed, "We both don't want her on the throne. I believe that is enough."

The woman sighed. "And how do you suppose we are to stop that?"

The silver-haired man smirked. "She is rather fond of the two women in her life, I'd say she would buckle were something to happen to them. She will not be in the right state of mind afterwards."

A nod came from the woman. "I understand, and I trust you will see to it." She spoke as a dismissal.

"Indeed I will, my Queen."

After her surprise coronation, the High lords and ladies flocked to her in order to introduce themselves properly, and try to gain her favour.

Selaena missed playing the political game, in her lands she dealt with many petty lords who held land. This was no different to her.

It came a major shock to both Daemon and Rhaenyra how well she fell into place as the new heir, her diplomatic side never failing to surprise them.

"I believe we chose best." Rhaenyra hummed quietly.

Daemon nodded. "On that I agree."

The Martell family had taken to following her around the Great Hall, keeping a close eye on her and anyone who approached her. They had already started enacting on their vows.

This caught the attention of the eldest Velaryon Prince, who was not a fan of the eyes Ser Qyle was giving the girl.

"I'm afraid he won't catch on fire, no matter how hard you glare." A voice spoke from behind Jace, as a hand clapped his shoulder.

The Prince turned to see Daemon with a knowing smirk on his face, the usual look. "W-what?"

He laughed and patted the boys shoulder. "You're smitten, yet she has no idea. Does she?"

Jace shook his head. "I'm not worthy enough for her."

Daemon scoffed. "That's what I believed about your mother. Seems to have worked out, no?"

Jace sighed. "You're right."

"I always am." Daemon said, leaving Jace alone again.

He looked back to where he last saw Selaena and saw her already looking at him. Her cheeks developed a pink tint upon their eyes meeting.

She excused herself from the company of Lord Redwyne, and made her way towards him.

"Hello Jacaerys, are you enjoying the evening?" She asked him as she approached.

He nodded. "I am indeed, I suppose I should formally congratulate you."

She laughed, "No need for congratulations, I am starting to want an annulment. Too many times have I been asked about a consort, and I have just been crowned heir." She sighed dramatically.

Jacaerys laughed lightly. "And what would those plans for a consort be?"

She gave him a deadpan look and nudged him. "And I thought I would be receiving refuge coming to you."

"I'm afraid that is not the case, my Queen." He mused.

She sighed, and rubbed her brow. "Honestly, I do not know my plans. Marriage has not been something I have put much thought into. I suppose there is someone I would have as consort, but he would have to have me as well."

Jacaerys felt his heart drop a little, so there was someone else.

"No matter, let's not concern ourselves with that? Hmm? I feel Lyrax itching to stretch her wings, Vermax too." She smiled with a mischievous glint in her eye.

"Well I don't think we should deny their request." He responded, already motioning her for the lead the way.

"I'm glad we can agree."

"Princess Rhaenyra have you seen Queen Selaena?" Alessia asked, approaching her and Daemon lounging on a couch in the open courtyard attached to the Great Hall.

The two Targaryen's looked at each other, and Daemon responded. "Last I saw she was speaking with the Redwyne's in the Great Hall a few minutes ago."

Alessia shook her head, "She is no longer with them, and I could not see her i-"

The Meereenese girl was cut off mid sentence when the loud shriek of a dragon was heard.

A small green dragon flew low over the courtyard, and was pursued by a dragon 10x its size who twisted its body upside down, allowing the rider to dangle only a few metres above the crowd in the courtyard. The Silver haired girl let out a loud laugh as many shrieks and yells were heard.

"Well I guess I found her." Alessia laughed lightly, watching the two dragons fly out of her line of sight.

"How on earth does she do that?" Daemon asked, questioning her trick with Lyrax.

Alessia smiled. "Her and Lyrax used to spend hours practicing tricks in the air. Their bond is honestly frightening... he just knows exactly what she wants him to do... I would go as far to say they share one soul."

He shook his head, "Ditching her own coronation party, can't say i'm surprised."

The other two laughed in agreement, and Rhaenyra spoke up after a moment of silence.

"What were you needing Selaena for, sweet girl?" She asked.

Alessia glanced around for a moment, and hesitated a bit before answering in a hushed tone. "I have news from Daegon, whispers of a new order of Faith Miliant rising in Oldtown. They do not want a foreign girl on the throne."

The two Targaryens did not know how to respond, they were not expecting something as serious as this. They had read the histories of the Faith Militant during Maegor I rule, how could this situation justify a militia of religious fanatics?

Daemon opened his mouth to speak, but Alessia held up her hand. "There's more. The one who ordered their formation... was Alicent Hightower."

hello lovelies, hope everyone is doing well!

wanted to say im open to any suggestions or ideas of things you guys might want to see in the story. I know the main plot but if you guys are wanting any side stories or more flashbacks in the meantime please let me know!

WINDS OF CHANGE ~ JACAERYS VELARYONWhere stories live. Discover now