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Another scolding from Daemon was awaiting her, once they had returned and Jace told his parents what happened.

It seemed it would be a normal occurrence for Daemon to scold her for the stupid things she occasionally does.

Of course, Cassian and Alessia were always quick to scold her on her rash behaviour at times when necessary. They were her family, and have been through a lot with her.

Daerion and the twins, Daena and Daegon, thought the world of their sister, and Selaena knew it. In their eyes, she could do no wrong.

Erandur was tough on her, rightfully so, he was the main reason her transition into a Queen of three cities came with some ease. Drahkar being the same. Those two alongside Viktor were loyal to her father during his rule, and served as the closest thing to father figures she thought she could get.

Until she met Daemon.

The way he scolded her reminded her too much of someone she thought she lost.


Daemon Targaryen would never replace Jaevon Maeralys for Selaena. No one could.

Yet, it still made the emptiness of her loss start to disappear after she arrived in his home.

She felt a feeling she hadn't felt in years, the one of a fathers love.

So of course as she stared at Daemon with accidental doe-eyes while trapped in thought during his scolding, he immediately paused and softened his tone. "Look. You've started a great thing here, stuff like that, can't continue. I know you have something going on with dragons, and I don't care to question it. But I brought you here for a reason, and I am inclined to keep you safe and protected."

Selaena looked away from his intense gaze, the feeling was too overwhelming to her. Kepa...

A tear slowly rolled down her cheek when she felt arms wrap around her shoulders, and a head rested on top of hers. "I understand, zaldrītsos. I'm here."

They remained in the same position for some time, Selaena taking time to calm herself, until the door swung open with a hurry.

Rhaenyra entered, looking nervous. "One of the King's ships has been spotted approaching."

Daemon groaned and rolled his eyes. "The Lord Hand finally graces us with his presence. Come now, we should prepare for what he has up his sleeve."

Selaena nodded and rose from her seat. It was time. She was going to the capital to see the King. "I will meet you both on the bridge once I am ready."

Daemon smirked knowingly. "Very well."

"How wonderful to see you again Otto, it's been many months." Daemon spoke with fake enthusiasm towards the Kings Hand.

"Cut the bullshit, Daemon. Where is the girl?" Otto snapped, looking between him and Rhaenyra.

Daemon raised a brow and looked at Rhaenyra. "I'm not certain who you speak of? My daughters are with their grandmother on Driftmark at the moment."

Rhaenyra suppressed a small smile, she could see Otto getting increasingly pissed off.

"Do not play the jester with me, where is this valyrian girl claiming to be the daughter of Saera Targaryen? I know she resides on Dragonstone."

"Oh her! My dear cousin Selaena should be joining us shortly-" Daemon spoke, and was cut off by the deep roar of a dragon.

The fog surrounding the bridge was broken by a large black beast, whose large wings took him over the bridge in one flap. Flying low over the Hand and his men.

The great black dragon landed roughly behind Daemon and Rhaenyra, shaking the bridge, causing Otto and his men to shout out in fear.

The beast let out another deafening roar, and the silver-haired girl on top dismounted, stepping down the large wing.

As the dust cleared she stepped up in between Daemon and Rhaenyra, facing Otto Hightower.

"You have been sent to summon me, Otto Hightower?" Selaena spoke, the tone of her voice shocking both the elder Valyrians. They have yet to witness her when acting as Queen. 

The Hand was still recuperating from his shock at the size of the girls dragon. It terrified him. He cleared his throat. "Indeed. His Grace the King has summoned you to the capital for questioning. Your claims of being the daughter of the runaway Princess Saera Targaryen are outlandish, and you have painted yourself a threat to the crown."

Selaena smiled widely at the old man. "I claim nothing but what is the truth. I shall answer his Graces' summons and venture to King's Landing."

Otto smirked, thinking he won. "Good. Glad this was done easy and without struggle. Ser Criston, please gather Selaena and put her on the ship."

Daemon drew his sword as soon as Criston moved to take a step.

"That won't be necessary. I will fly my dragon to the capital." Selaena spoke, not moving from her place.

"As you have been summoned by the King, you must accompany us on the ship." Otto argued and looked to Criston.

The guard made another move and the rest of the guards behind Selaena drew their swords.

Daemon chuckled. "A bit nostalgic isn't it Otto?"

The Hand huffed and yelled. "Swords down!"

Once all the Kingsguards swords were put away, Daemon lowered his and spoke. "Selaena will take her dragon Lyrax. I will not have her in the capital alone."

"Very well. You will follow the ship, we leave now."

Otto ams the guards turned to leave and make their way to their ship.

Selaena turned to Daemon and Rhaenyra who were already looking at her.

"You'll be fine, sweet girl. We will be arriving not long after you." Rhaenyra spoke softly, brushing a piece of Selaena's hair behind her ear.

Sel nodded. "Thank you, Rhaenyra."

The older woman nodded and stepped back, Daemon taking her place. "We won't be there for about a week, until then it'll just be you and Lyrax. So I got you something, I think it should be rightfully in your hands."

He reached into his back pocket and pulled out a sheath and dagger.

Valyrian steel

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Valyrian steel...

"This once belonged to Aegon the Conqueror, and has been passed through our family since. If myself or Cassian can't be there to protect you, I want you having something to be able to yourself."

Selaena took the dagger from him gently, she could feel the energy of her ancestors who once wielded it. "Thank you, Daemon. Truly."

"Of course, zaldritsos. Now go."

hey besties! hope u enjoyed this chapter shits FINALLY starting to get real.

also i know the dagger Daemon gives her is actually in Viserys' possession, as it's the one Alicent used to cut Rhaenyra, but in my canon Daemon stole it after that fiasco and has had it since LOL

as always vote and comment pls xoxo

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