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note: jace and luke have their moms eyes in this bc I'm the author and i said so

Luckily for the Blacks, the arrival of Selaena and her friends had been kept well hidden. Their arrival at nightfall was of perfect timing, as not many bore witness. Her dragon, who was introduced to everyone as Lyrax, was a very docile beast when you had her masters trust, and kept well hidden in the Dragonmount when instructed.

Lucerys was very interested in learning about her dragon, as him and Jacaerys were not present in the private conversation.

He pestered her after breakfast as she was exploring the beaches of Dragonstone with Cassian and Alessia, Jace following him, he too was interested. More so in the mysterious Queen, who he had only learnt her name. His mother and Daemon had not indulged anything on the girl and her friends after they concluded their conversation. Why? He did not know. He assumed it was something rather big, why else would a foreign Queen who was a relative come to Dragonstone?

"Queen Selaena!" Lucerys shouted as he spotted her and her friends on the beach.

"Easy, boy." The white-haired guard of the Queen threatened. Cassian was his name. He looked rather... Valyrian.. Jace thought.

Selaena scoffed and tugged the large man's ear roughly. "Cassian. Be nice."

Cassian rolled his eyes as the brown skinned female, Alessia, giggled.

The two Princes were stunned. A Queen was acting this way with her guard and handmaiden? In front of company no less?

The Queen faced the two boys and spoke up, breaking them out of their thoughts. "Hello. You must be the sons of Rhaenyra, apologies I did not catch your names."

Luke spoke up first. "I am Lucerys Velaryon! And this is my elder brother Jacaerys! But please call us Jace and Luke!"

The girl smiled. "Nice to meet you, Jace and Luke. You may call me Sel, no need for titles. We are all rather close in age. Anyway, what brings you to me?"

Luke cleared his throat. "I wanted to inquire about your dragon, my lady."

"Lyrax?" She hummed. "What would you like to know about her?"

"How did you claim her?! I did not know there were dragons anywhere other than with my family! She is larger than Vhagar!" Luke asked happily after being allowed to ask his questions.

The girl smiled at the younger boy's excitement and answered. "I had went exploring the ruins of Old Valyria with my father when I was a young girl. In one of the volcanos, I stumbled upon her. I offered her my blood, the Ancient Valyrian way. That is how we are one. I am not her master, she is merely an extension of me, as I am her. I do not know who Vhagar is, I have only met Caraxes."

The two boys were astonished. They knew nothing of this Ancient Valyrian way to bond with dragons. Was that why they struggled so much when bonding with theirs?

Jacaerys spoke up for the first time since he met the Queen. "Vhagar was the dragon of Laena Velaryon, our aunt. Our uncle, Prince Aemond claimed her shortly after the funeral. She is the largest dragon in Westeros, the mount of Queen Visenya, well was the largest mount."

Selaena turned to the Prince after sensing animosity in his words. The subject of Vhagar must be a sensitive one, so she decided to change the topic. "Your family tree is ever-confusing, my princes. I will have to learn more about my family here."

The two blushed, the customs of their family were rather queer, having this exposed so soon was rather embarrassing.

"I do understand complicated family relationships, the Maeralys family regularly married siblings to keep the blood pure. As all Valyrian families did prior to the doom. I'm aware the Targaryens are no different, my mothers parents were siblings."

The two boys felt relieved, they should have expected another Valyrian family to share their customs.

The girl laughed as if recalling a memory. "Alessia, remember when the council tried to get Daerion and I to marry!"

Alessia laughed loudly, Cassian chuckling quieter than the girl. "I do! Said it would strengthen the kingdom. Blasphemy! It was strong with you two ruling as siblings!"

The Velaryon princes were confused. A brother and sister ruling together unmarried?

"You have a brother?" Jacaerys asked.

Selaena turned to him and nodded. "I have two, and a sister. They are my fathers children prior to my mother. My eldest brother Daerion and I ruled over Mantarys together. We had no need to marry, he would not marry me out of respect for our father and mother. My other siblings are Daegon and Daena, they rule as consorts over Tolos and Elyria."

"That is all quite confusing! We only have one King and Lords!" Lucerys exclaimed.

"I bed to differ, young Prince. Our one family rules the entire Kingdom, leaves less room for rebellion and treason." Selaena explained.

The two boys understood. The Valyrian queen was a powerful woman, yet she seemed so young.

"Pardon the question, my Queen. How old are you?" Jace asked.

"No need for pardon, I am willing to answer any question. I am 8 and 10 now, my name day recently passed. And you, Princes?"

"I am 5 and 10!" Luke said.

"Same as you, 8 and 10." Jacaerys said.

Selaena looked at him. She knew the elder prince was close to her age, not of the same age.

No. We cannot get distracted. We are not here for that reason.

Still, Selaena couldn't help but ponder the possibility of a future with Rhaenyra's eldest.

I'm gonna clear a couple things up in case anyone is confused (and please ask questions if I do not answer one of your questions!)

-Selaena and the Maeralys family are very knowledgeable on Ancient Valyria pre-doom (secrets, magic, knowledge, etc) and the cities of Mantarys, Tolos and Elyria were apart of Valyria. I have created the Maeralys family to the the sovereigns over these three cities pre and post doom.

-the Ancient Valyrian ritual Selaena performed with Lyrax will play a larger role later on, so don't worry I am not just brushing over that.

-Sel is very very mature for her age, if that was not already clear. She has been a Queen since she was 16, not to mention her political and cultural experience throughout her childhood. So she better connects with adults, and does not know how to act around those her age. As seen with Jace and Luke.

Bit of a shorter chapter but as always let me know your thoughts :)

WINDS OF CHANGE ~ JACAERYS VELARYONWhere stories live. Discover now