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The first day of celebration was fully underway at the crack of dawn, Selaena was woken abruptly from her sleep by multiple handmaidens. Alessia thankfully was among them, and she was the one to help her bathe- very quickly- and get dressed.

The gowns bodice was made to look like dragonscales, which were a deep red in colour. The sleeves were made of a sheer red lace, offering some cover on her arms. The dragonscale bodice slowly transitioned into black fabric down the rest of the dress. It reminded Selaena much of Lyrax and Caraxes.

Alessia braided the sides of her hair back, and let the waves cascade down her exposed back. "There, I believe you are ready."

Selaena smiled and turned to the other handmaidens. "You can leave us. Thank you."

The two girls nodded and hurried out of the room, as Sel turned back to Alessia.

"I have not seen Cassian much since your arrival which is out of the ordinary, he is usually the first to see me. Is there something I should know?" She asked her trusted friend, although the fire burning behind her eyes might say different.

Alessia looked as confused as Selaena felt. "He had told me he had spoke to you on our first night."

Selaena shook her head. "We did not. No matter, we must not worry ourselves over this today. I can feel it is just us now, but we must not make it known."

Alessia nodded. "I understand."

Selaena had spent her fair time socializing with the lords and ladies who had arrived leading up to the tourney and birthday celebration. Overall many were intrigued with herself and her homeland. Some were like that of Tyland Lannister, more or less asking for her hand in marriage.

Others, like that of Jeyne Arryn, who had shocked some of court by making an appearance, had been very warm to Selaena, and welcomed her as a guest in the Vale anytime.

The shock of the century for everyone in attendance? The arrival of the royal family of Dorne. Before Viserys could announce the beginning of the tourney, the guards opened the gates and announced their arrival. "Prince Qoren Martell of Dorne, with his children Princess Aliandra and Prince Qyle."

Selaena was not shocked however, her and Prince Qoren had formed some sort of alliance while she was ruling in Mantarys, she had never met the man in person but exchanged letters. Many of his soldiers had come to Mantarys to train with her brother and his men, in exchange Selaena got the Dornish wine she always wanted to try. Of course, an ally in Westeros was a bonus.

All eyes were on the Dornish visitors as they entered the arena. The memories of the Stepstones fresh in everyone's minds.

Qoren and his children bowed before the King, the former making eye contact with Selaena before speaking to the King. "King Viserys of House Targaryen, we have not met officially, I am Prince Qoren Martell. My daughter Aliandra, is my heir and my son Qyle is the commander of the Dornish soldiers."

Selaena knew Qyle, very well actually. He had been one of the first to come train with her men in Mantarys. She had greeted all of the newcomers upon arrival with a feast, in order to create lasting bonds with Dorne.

WINDS OF CHANGE ~ JACAERYS VELARYONWhere stories live. Discover now