izula ampā

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Selaena did not exactly know what she was expecting to see in the Street of Silk, it would not be as nice as Volantis of course. It was quite similar to the likes of Flea Bottom from what she has seen of it.

The city was alive though, people were seen laughing and drinking while some danced at music playing in the streets.

That reminded her of home.

"Come! Let us have a drink!" She suddenly said to Aemond, tugging in harshly in the direction of the open tavern.

He didnt even have time to reject her offer when a tankard was forced into his hand, and Selaena pushed it up towards his mouth.

The sweet taste of mead hit their tongues, and both raced to see who would finish first. Of course, Selaena won.

"You need to live a little! Sneaking out is only as fun as you allow it to be." She smirked, insinuating to Aemond she was well-versed in the art.

He rolled his eye and motioned for another round, which garnered a cheer from her in response.

The second round turned in to many more for the pair of them, Aemond having stopped after the 4th round. Selaena did not stop, however.

Selaena had not been this drunk in a long while, she never had the time to drop her load of responsibilities to be able to. When she was able to take a step back, of course she indulged.

Aemond had decided they should return, and had taken to an arm over her shoulders to hold her steady to him, Selaena was not steady on her feet.

The 13 rounds of mead for her proved to do their job. She did not feel ill, but abstract images kept flashing through her mind as they continued on their silent walk.

"Tell me father... which do I ask forgiveness for..? What I am... or what I am not..?" Selaena slurred out in quiet whispers, Aemond only slightly picking it up.

"... mother... which should I regret..? What I became... or what I didn't..?" She continued.

Aemond did not know how to respond, even if he was supposed to in the first place. Selaena had only seen the silver hair in her peripheral and assumed it to be Cassian.

"I need a father... and I need a mother... Why have they left me Cassian..? I need an older, wiser being to cry to... I speak to the Gods but the sky is empty..." She sighs, leaning into the males side.

Aemond gaped, Oh she thinks i'm a man called "Cassian" right now... could he be a lover? He was witness to one of the exceptionally rare moments where cracks were made in her steely resolve, and he had no idea how to react.

"It is Aemond, your grace. I am not Cassian." He spoke quietly through more slurred ramblings.

She stiffened ever so slightly, and nodded. "Aemond... so mad at the world... for that he cannot be blamed with the hand he had been dealt... only his actions he can be to blame..." She mumbled out in response, slightly louder than before.

He stiffened and stayed quiet for a moment, no one had ever said anything of the sort to him. He didn't know how to feel, so he ignored it. "Come, we are almost in the Keep."


"It has eight legs, which help in creating a web..." Helaena spoke quietly, showing Selaena the spider she helped her catch.

"It's a lovely one we found, I like the red marks on its back." Selaena replied, observing the arachnid closely.

"It signifies the danger, this spider is rather deadly with its venom. It is docile unless provoked." Helaena explained again, knowing all about it.

WINDS OF CHANGE ~ JACAERYS VELARYONWhere stories live. Discover now