jēnqa lantēpsa

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buckle up a lot is gonna happen (including multiple pov changes)

Dalton Greyjoy's news had proven to be true the same day it was received, with Rhaenys on Meleys sent to scout there was no denying.

With no time to wait for ravens, Selaena sent Daemon on Caraxes to gather the men who had been stationed in Riverrun.

It would take two days time for all the men in Riverrun to reach the garrison at the tip of the Mander River, just between Tumbleton and Kingslanding.

"As the plan currently stands, Rhaenyra and Rhaenys will be protectors of the city in mine and Daemon's absence. The Kingsguard, excluding Ser Luther and Ser Alistar, will remain in the capital to support them. Two dragons can only see so much from the skies. I received word earlier this morning my brother, Daegon, will also be around the capital to aid if necessary. I ask those on the small council to remain here as well. Don't give me that look, Luke, Baela." She shifted her gaze to the two young dragon riders.

Daemons eldest daughter crossed her arms over her chest, "I know Moondancer is small, but she is quick. We're ready."

"Arrax has been itching to get back at Tessarion. Please Selaena?" Luke begged, his eyes going wide.

The young queen pinched the bridge of her nose as her head throbbed slightly, shooting a glance to Rhaena before speaking. "I am sending the two of you, along with Rhaena to Dragonstone to keep yourselves, Aegon, Viserys, Jaehaerys and Jaeva safe. Luther and Alistar will be joining you. I cannot leave you all alone in the Keep, we all know it is not a secure location."

They both perked up, Rhaena now too, Luke's jaw slightly dropping and Baela's eyebrows shooting up.

Before any of the three could speak, Selaena spoke again. "There is no one else better suited to look after my children right now than you three. Daena, who has been stationed there, should be arriving shortly with a ship to lead you all there."

It was not a light request by any means to look after her newborn children. From the last few days they all had come to notice how protective she was over the twins, they were more often than not wrapped to her chest. Even now, as they complete their war plans, Jaehaerys and Jaeva were napping peacefully on her chest.

"On that same topic; Daena and her ships, along with Zhaakari, will be at the Gullet. Although the Greens no longer have a great fleet it is not the time to be complacent. Being gone, I leave the city vulnerable, so the rest of the fleet will remain in Blackwater Bay."

From the open window in the council room, Selaena heard the distinct roar of Zhaakari alerting her to Daena's arrival.

She lifted herself from her chair and looked to Luke and the twins. "I believe your ride is here, which means it is time for us to begin."

"It's been a while since we've been here hasn't it?" Rhaena asked, running her fingers over the black stone walls.

Baela who was sat in a bed next to the babes nodded. "I forgot how peaceful it was here."

That peace she mentioned was broken as Lucerys opened the door in a rush, "There's wild dragons losing their minds on the beach right now."

Rhaena perked up, feeling something wash over her, but Baela shook her head and whisper-yelled. "Be quiet idiot! They're finally sleeping again."

The two refused to rest after leaving Selaena's presence, but luckily they were not fussy and just hyperactive.

"Sorry, sorry." He grimaced. "I've never seen anything like it come on we have to check it out."

Rhaena moved without thinking over to Luke, "Let's go see."

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