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Everyone that was once in the family lounge has now gathered in Selaena's chambers, as she did not want to part with the two babes after putting them to sleep in the cradle all of Rhaenyra's boys once slept in.

Thankfully, the room had plenty of space for the lot. Luke, Rhaena, Baela and Daemon were all lying in her bed; Daemon taking a large part for himself.

Corlys, Rhaenys and Rhaenyra had been more respectful than the Rogue Prince, and sat upon the sofas near the fire. Alistar or Luther started it she suspected, both currently stationed outside her door as usual.

Aemond and Selaena were sat by the crib, and couldn't remove their eyes from what lay within.

Everyone had been given proper introduction while Selaena had gotten herself cleaned up with the help of Rhaenyra.

"I wonder how Jacaerys will react when he learns he is a father of two." Daemon grinned, speaking quietly.

Selaena snapped her head to him, along with almost everyone in the room.

She stuttered "Pardon I-"

"We all know." Baela spoke up, cutting her off. "You both don't hide anything well, we can all see you're infatuated with one another."

Her words were playful, and Selaena met the gaze of everyone in the room, who all held varying degrees of knowing or smugness on her face; she could not tell at the moment through her embarrassment.

Meeting eyes with Rhaenyra, the elder woman smiled. "Well, you have my blessing. I don't think that matters to either of you now, however."

The young queen groaned. "You lot are the worst."

It was silent for a moment, the fire crackling and the sounds of everyone's breathing could be heard. Selaena met Aemond's eye, which glistened in the light.

Placing her hand over his she mumbled, "She is at peace."

He nodded and turned his gaze to the two babes. "They look just like her."

Selaena nodded with a ghost of a smile on her face.

Corlys cleared his throat, speaking up for the first time since being in Selaena's chambers, "Your adoption of the late Princess' children raises the question... will Jaehaerys be named your heir?"

Heads turned to him, it was a question swirling everyone's minds, but it was much to early to think of such things, much less even discuss them.

Selaena had not thought of such a thing yet, but she knew Helaena had no desire to be a Queen, therefore having her children follow in her stead.

She just wanted them safe, and to live a comfortable life; It was something Selaena could easily provide. She knew better than anyone the weight of the crown was no easy feat to bear, and wouldn't wish it upon a child placed under her care.

"No." She spoke after a moment. "Neither Jaehaerys nor Jaeva will be named my heir. Helaena did not wish for her children to be subjected to the weight of the crown. She left them under my care now in order to live a comfortable life. As the heir to the throne, there is no comfortability."

With the next couple of days being calm, Selaena called for a small council meeting. Having no real time to be a proper ruler since being officially crowned, it seemed to be as good a time as they could get for now.

"I want to thank you all for coming on such short notice, but I fear we will not have this moment of peace for much longer." She spoke, looking all attendees in the eye. "The kingdom is in a fragile state, that much is abundantly clear. I can not maintain it on my own, and that is why you are all here."

WINDS OF CHANGE ~ JACAERYS VELARYONWhere stories live. Discover now