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Daemon was the first to respond out of the sleepy family, more spry than anyone else. He hummed. "Good morning. I did not assume murder would be on the morning to-do list of a Queen."

Selaena snorted at his joke. "My apologies for waking everyone, Cassian and I tend to get out of hand when training."

"It's alright." Rhaenyra sighed, not in anger but tiredness. She did not care she was woken, just relieved no one died. "Please do train elsewhere during your ungodly hours. Breakfast will be ready shortly, please join us. You needn't bother in cleaning up."

Selaena nodded. "Thank you for your continued generosity. We are in your debt."

"Just don't turn my fathers kingdom into ash and bone." Rhaenyra spoke as she went back inside, the rest of her brood trailing behind to prepare for breakfast, except for Jacaerys who lingered behind. Although she did not notice.

The girl was lost in her thoughts. It merely hadn't occurred to Selaena that Rhaenyra willingly, and rather easily, gave up her throne for her. And she barely knew her. That is not a small endowment by any means.

Here she was, waking the generous family who had basically passed their titles to her.

She needed to make it up to them, and knew just the thing. Although, it would be a fortnight before everything arrived.

"Cassian, could you send a letter to Viktor for me? I want to place an order."

"An order of what my lady? You have plenty of swords already."

"No no, I think these ones have earned a gift."

"I see. Right away."

"Thank you. I'll see you shortly for breakfast."

When Cassian left her presence, the girl dropped her composure. Gods, she was exhausted. Too many things to think about to sleep.

Of course, her thoughts were once broken again when a "Selaena?" was heard.

She turned her head to see Jacaerys looking a bit concerned. "Are you alright? You are covered in blood."

He also noticed her drop in composure, but thought best not to mention it.

Selaena looked down at herself, she was quite dirty. "Oh yes, I am quite alright. This is mostly Cassian's."

He hummed. "You're very good with a sword, who trained you?"

Sel smiled. "My father."

Jace nodded. "He must be very talented."

"Indeed. He was. My father left his physical body many years ago. Though I try my best to emulate his spirit."

Jace didn't really know how to respond. No one has spoken in this way to him. "I'm sorry for your loss, Selaena."

She shook her head. "It is merely a material loss. Father has never left me." The large red gem on her necklace below the vial seemed to glow after those words Jace thought.

"I see."

The girl thought for a moment, the boy shared no resemblance to Daemon. He has lost a father too? "You do not share a last name with Daemon? He is not your father?" Selaena asked.

Jace shook his head. "He is not. My father was Laenor Velaryon, the same as Lucerys and Joffrey."

"I see. You understand what it is like to lose a father then?"

Jace nodded. He did. Laenor may not have been his blood father, but he did manage to lose two of them.

"What's gone is never truly lost, my prince. I see that now." She spoke up again after the boys silence.

Jace felt her words held a double meaning, but didn't mention it. "It should be almost time to eat. We should get going."

The laughter and family love was something that Selaena terribly missed.

The days it would be both her parents and all three siblings seated with her at the table.

Those days were no more. It was the family of Rhaenyra and Daemon displaying these acts.

It was bittersweet for the young Queen, she was a continent away from her closest family.

These people are your family too. They have welcomed you here.

Selaena was introduced to the youngest sons of Rhaenyra and Daemon.

Joffrey was basically a smaller version of Lucerys, brown curly hair and the chubbiest cheeks.

Little Aegon was a spitting image of Daemon, it was rather unnerving.

Daemon also mentioned he had two daughters, Baela and Rhaena, who were residing with their grandmother in Driftmark.

The boys, much like their older brothers, were very interested in the girl. Mainly her hair, though Joff was intrigued about her dragon as well. They also took a liking to Alessia, who kept them entertained with tales.

Cassian and Daemon discussed battles and the like, having a lot more in common than both originally thought.

Selaena and her two friends fit into the family well, it was almost a piece of the puzzle that was missing.

"Selaena, I have thought of a way to best announce your claim to the throne." Daemon spoke up through the chatter.

"What would that be?" She asked, sipping her water.

"The nameday of Prince Aegon is a mere week away, all major Lords and Ladies of the realm would be in attendance. It is the best time for everyone to see you." He answered.

He was right, if all Lords were in attendance, they would bear witness to the truth and not be able to refute her claim.

She was yet to see the city of King's Landing, and has only heard whispers of the capital. How could she rule if she had very little knowledge on this Kingdom?

"I believe that would be the best time, my prince. However, I am not accustomed to Westeros. I have never set foot in King's Landing. Perhaps I could visit before the celebration, under cover as common folk?"

Daemon pondered. "I suppose we could do that. You understand the risk?"

Selaena nodded. "I do. There's risk in me being here my prince."

He laughed. "Very well. Tomorrow evening we leave under cover of night."

"What do you expect to see?" Rhaenyra asked.

Selaena pondered, "Daemon tells me the poor live in squalor, and the conditions are terrible. I like to witness this, see how my people have to live."

Rhaenyra hummed. The girl was soft it seemed to her. She managed to persuade her family, but the Kingdom? She wasn't sure Selaena could manage. She seemed too concerned for the common folk than alliances with houses.

But Selaena understood what Rhaenyra did not, the people of your Kingdom are everything.

sorry for disappearing besties. I kinda hate this chapter because I hate fillers :)

anywho let me know what you think

WINDS OF CHANGE ~ JACAERYS VELARYONWhere stories live. Discover now