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Selaena knew what she had just done and revealed would suffer consequences.

The current ones she had to face were the wrath of Daemon and Rhaenyra.

Daemon was angry because she had exposed herself in the city, the King would surely summon them to the capital. It was a stupid risk, she could've been hurt.

Rhaenyra felt betrayed. She felt lied to. This young girl withheld so much from her and Daemon.

Selaena explained herself to Rhaenyra, just as she did to Daemon in the capital.

"Why keep this a secret?"

"It is not wise to tell someone you know all there is to know about them upon first meeting. I did not know if I could trust you, and you cannot say different either." Selaena answered.

"You're right. I did not trust you, and i'm still not sure if I can."

Selaena titled her head in a questioning manner, "I'm very aware you've been weary since giving me your crown. Yet you gave it to me, while you say you hold so little trust. Why is that?" she paused. "Right. You revoked your claim for selfish purposes, to cease the infighting within your family over the throne. Correct?"

Rhaenyra sighed. "You're right. I trust my husbands judgement. I may not have fully trusted you, I understand now. We both had no reason to trust one another. Now we can."

Daemon hummed, butting into the conversation before Selaena could respond. "Now that we cleared that up," he turned to Selaena. "Can you tell me why the fuck you pulled your hood off in the middle of Flea Bottom?"

Rhaenyra looked flabbergasted. "I beg your pardon? You exposed yourself in the capital?! We agreed on Aegon's nameday! What were you thinking? That was dangerous!"

Selaena waited for Rhaenyra to finish and gave Daemon a look. "I understand the animosity between your two families, as much as I would love to see their faces imposing on such an event, announcing my claim on the nameday of a rival prince will create fierce enemies much too early for me. I do not need Alicent and Otto Hightower out for my head upon first greeting. The common people have met their first benevolent ruler tonight, wouldn't you agree?" She asked. "Their whispers will reach the ears of the King by morning."

Daemon rubbed his face. Why was this girl so much like himself? So bloody cunning, and of course she knew almost everything. "A royal summon will be made, you will have to face the court. Alone." He said after a moment.

She smiled. Of course she knew that already. "That is exactly what I was intending. Something of this calibre would call for all High Lords to be in attendance, no?"

Daemon laughed. This girl really had everything thought out. She was not the idiot she leads people to believe.

Rhaenyra was shocked. The amount of tricks up Selaena's sleeve was impressive. She was calculated and cunning. It frightened her.

"I believe you're correct." Daemon spoke.

"Thought so. The night grows ever late, I will take my leave if that is all?" Selaena asked.

Rhaenyra nodded and Selaena left the room.

"What's with that look?"

She sighed. "That girl is frighteningly cunning."

He responded with a chuckle. "Reminds you of someone, doesn't it?"

Rhaenyra's eyes widened in recognition. Selaena was so much like Daemon.... but better..?

"The girls heart is too soft to be like you."

Daemon shook his head. "That is what makes her better than me. Her fret over common folk puts her above the both of us as a ruler."

WINDS OF CHANGE ~ JACAERYS VELARYONWhere stories live. Discover now