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The smell of rot and shit was quick to catch her nose as her and Daemon entered the capital through a hidden gate.

She was immediately revolted. The slave cities of Slaver's Bay had better conditions than this, hell, the Dothraki her brother leads have better conditions!

Of course, much of that because of her own influence in Essos, but regardless, the King should not stand for it.

"I see the look on your face. Disgusting, isn't it?" Daemon whispered, looking around at the people.

She nodded. "It is. These people truly do live in terrible conditions."

Daemon hummed. He thought the people created it for themselves.

Of course, they did. But what hand had they been dealt? Selaena understood that. "One does not know better unless shown otherwise."

He didn't know how to respond, he had never thought about the common folk of Flea Bottom that way.

The two were passing a small alley when a hand reached out and grabbed Selaena's wrist.

A hiss in pain was made and her wrist quickly dropped. They turned to see a woman, closely resembling themselves. Yet not a Targaryen.

Daemon was flabbergasted. "Mysaria?"

The woman ignored Daemon and looked only at Selaena. "I sense the winds of change."

Selaena cracked a half smile. "Ōdres, nice to put a face to a name."

"Your arrival is much anticipated, Dārys. Come we must speak." Mysaria said, motioning to the small door behind her.

Selaena followed without hesitation, but Daemon wasn't sure, but he was pulled along by the small girl.

The room they entered was a brothel, and Mysaria led them into a secluded area.

"Everything is almost ready. If you are, it is time." Mysaria spoke.

Selaena nodded. Daemon was still in shock. "What in the seven hells is going on?"

The young queen cleared her throat. "Lady Mysaria has been a close informant of mine since the beginning of my reign in Valyria."

Daemon was about to spew out another round of questions but Selaena spoke up again.

"I had a dream years ago, a man with hair of silver and a dragon of red would deliver me a crown of gold. It made no sense to me at the time of course, I was already the Queen with a crown of my own. This was a different crown, however. The one you bestowed on me, my Prince, is the crown from my dream."

Daemon was silent for a long moment. "You knew I would come?" When she nodded, he continued. "That still does not explain why you have Lady Misery in your pocket."

"My apologies for not informing you. I am aware of your past with Mysaria. That was behind my reasoning of her being my eyes and ears in Westeros. You are aware I have strong influence in Lys, yes?" Selaena paused. "You do not, my Prince. You showed up on my doorstep only knowing who my mother was, but I digress. Upon having my dream and deciphering it's meaning, I had set out to learn about Westeros. My father had never spoke of it, for it reminded him of my mother and pained him too much. I knew I could never rule a Kingdom if I had zero knowledge on its land and people. My contacts in Lys directed me to Mysaria, who had ties with the Targaryen family and was conveniently a very good spy. I learned, the last three years, all there is the know about your continent. And yes, Daemon, I knew your families names before you even arrived."

Daemon was at a loss for words. This was something utterly unexpected. He felt angry at first, but how could he? The girl had no malicious intent behind her actions, she simply realized her future and prepared accordingly. He was impressed, and that's why he was angry. The girl was cunning and he was outdone. By a girl of 8 and 10.

"Why hide this? You could have told me when we met." Daemon asked.

Selaena shook her head. "I did not know if I could place my trust in you. My dreams only tell me so much, I did not know if there was a sword waiting for me at the end of this road. I see now you can be trusted. It's time to start moving the pieces Daemon."

Selaena looked to Mysaria who nodded in response and got up to leave. "I will be in touch, Dārys."

"I cannot blame you for withholding trust." Daemon spoke after Mysaria left. "What is different now?"

She reached forward and grabbed the small pouch that rested on the table infront of them, retrieving two silver rings with a glowing red band in the middle.

"You and your family have accepted myself and my dear ones with open arms, and I realized I must do the same. These rings were crafted with the purest Valyrian steel, and were blessed with the magic of our ancestors. With these our bond holds true and will never break, no matter what."

Daemon grabbed a ring from her, he could feel something powerful radiating from it. When he slid it on his finger, he felt more powerful.

Before he could question anything, Selaena stood up. "Come. It is time to make the first move. I'm not sure if you're going to like it."

He rolled his eyes. "Nothing else you do tonight can shock me more than what already has."

He was wrong.

Selaena bought out an entire food stand and started handing out meals to every common folk who passed by, but that wasn't what almost caused him to pass out, no.

They had amassed great attention, the people of Flea Bottom were starving, of course they would flock to a free meal. Daemon was weary, they had intended to not draw attention to themselves.

An elderly woman approached Selaena and asked. "Who are you? Why help us?"

Selaena responded with a smile and looked at Daemon while reaching for her hood. With one tug, her silver hair was exposed, and gasps were heard throughout the street.

Daemon reached for his sword, he did not know what was going to happen.

She looked back to the elder woman. "My name is Selaena, I am the granddaughter of old King Jaehaerys."

The woman did not look at all phased, while others were completely shocked. "Yes I can see it, The King has returned."

Loud cheers sounded after the old woman spoke. Jaehaerys was a fine king when we was in power, and the people knew that. The old woman must have been around during his reign.

Daemon nudged Selaena. "We have to go. Now." He motioned his head towards guards, who were advancing on the scene, yet had not spotted her.

She quickly pulled her hood back up and was about to flee with Daemon, but the old lady stopped her.

She was not burnt by touching Selaena, which didn't happen often when people grabbed for her arm. "Lisbet. Brothel by the docks. Dārys."

Selaena nodded. Mysaria really did work fast. With a quick wave for goodbye, her and Daemon disappeared under cover of the crowd.


y'all think i forgot about you? absolutely not. I had wanted to plan a few chapters before writing them.

hope you enjoyed our favourite malewife and girl king having some bonding time. let me know what you think !

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