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"I see our little dagger has yet to join us."

The large Valyrian man lifted his head from the parchment he was writing on to see his sister, the one he hasn't seen in over a year.

Placing down his quill, he laughed. "It has been many, many moons since you have graced myself with your presence, little fire."

The woman scoffed as she took her seat across from him "I thought we were passed that name."

" 'Accidentally' starting a ladies gown on fire will not be easily forgotten." He deadpanned.

The woman rolled her purple eyes. "The horse-crusher is ever joking today-"

Before the two siblings could continue their usual reunion squabble, the door opened again, revealing the remaining brother they were waiting for.

"Ah! My little dagger, it's been too long." The woman cheered, pulling him into the seat next to her.

The younger man rolled his eyes. "Hello Daena, my beloved twin. Yes, it has been what, two days since we have last met?"

Daena sighed dramatically, "Ah yes, much too long."

The twins giggled to themselves before the older man cleared his throat. "Are you two done?"

The two rolled their eyes at their elder brother, "Yes Daerion."

"Okay. Good." He paused, leaning back into his seat. "We all know why we have made this annual gathering much earlier; and without a key member."

The two nodded in confirmation, allowing Daerion to continue.

"Selaena would have left for King's Landing by now to meet with their King. Everything here is ready to set into action, all soldiers are ready to depart when I give the call. Any updates for the two of you?"

Daegon nodded, speaking up first, "My contacts in the Capital have been notified, she'll have eyes on her at all times. Not that she really needs them, she is capable of protecting herself."

Daerion nodded in approval, "We all know that, but we also know she, without a doubt, left without Alessia or Cassian. So it is better safe than sorry until her allies arrive from Dragonstone and from here. Daena?"

The woman who was once playful turned serious, jumping right into her role of the Princess Regent. "Enchantments have been repaired and strengthened, protections made tenfold. She has fierce and powerful enemies before her arrival, that want nothing more than her head on a spike. I can see some trying to manipulate her, we know how that will go over."

Daerion nodded. "Everything seems ready. Daegon, you will take a small company of your men and meet with Lord Corlys on Driftmark before joining him and his family to the Capital for the Royal summon. Daena, you will lead the army to Dragonstone, where Prince Daemon is expecting you in a weeks time. Vyniros and Zhaakari will be following you from above to stay hidden. Myself and Rhaego will remain in Mantarys to keep watch over our sisters Kingdom, as she has wanted. Any questions?" He finished.

WINDS OF CHANGE ~ JACAERYS VELARYONWhere stories live. Discover now