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After saying her goodbyes to the rest of the family departing, Selaena was headed to see Jacaerys off. She knew he would not be pleased with returning to Dragonstone without her, and that she should speak to him alone.

As she pushed open the door, she saw him angrily shoving things into a bag.

"What did the bag ever do to you?" She mused.

He perked up at the sound of her voice and turned to her. "I refuse to take out my anger on the one responsible." He answered.

Selaena tilted her head. "I'm responsible? Why?"

"Are you going to continue playing dumb Selaena?" Jacaerys snapped.

The girl was taken aback, she had never once heard Jace raise his voice, at anyone.

"I overheard your conversation with mother and father Daemon early this morning. You are an absolute fool for remaining here." He ranted before she could respond. "Seven hells, this is still a foreign kingdom to you, and your risky games come with a bigger price to pay-"

His ranting was cut off when she placed her lips on his, effectively silencing him. Their mouths moved in sync for a moment before she pulled back, and looked into his eyes.

"I will be fine, my light. Go home and enjoy the last moments of peace for a while."

She left the astonished Prince to finish packing, before returning to her room. She had a lot of sleep to catch up on.

It was nearly dinner time when she woke from her nap, and when she exited her chambers to eat, she bumped into Cassian who was waiting outside the door.

"Oh! Cassian. I didn't see you there."

He hummed with a small smile. "I feel we have not seen each other in a while, i'm sure Lyrax is bored. Want to pay him a visit?"

The tone in his voice was one that sounded almost mocking, and of Selaena had not known what he had done, she would have thought nothing of it. Now, it felt as if he was wanting to taunt his "accomplishment" in her face.

She smiled brightly, and agreed. "Sure! I need to get out of this castle. Let me get changed first."

She went back into her room to change out of the dress she was in, and the door closed quickly behind her, the sound of a lock clicking could be heard.

She went up to the door. "Cassian? What are you doing?"

"You are a threat to the reign of King Aegon II. You will remain here until you submit to his authority as King."

Selaena almost laughed at how pathetic he sounded. "I never thought it would be that easy to sway your loyalty."

"My loyalty is owed to those who treat me well." He responded.

She scoffed. "And I haven't? Have you not received the world from me, Cassian? I have done everything for you that you have ever wanted, and you go and betray me!"

"Oh don't pull that shit anymore Selaena! You disregard my love for you as if it were garbage! And you expect me to sit idly by your side?"

"Ha! Disregard? Cassian you were my true love, but my Kingdom comes first, it always has and you know that." She cried.

He was silent, they both knew she was right. "We have nothing more to discuss if it is not your answer. Good day."

She could hear the sound of his retreating footsteps and slammed her fists against the door.

WINDS OF CHANGE ~ JACAERYS VELARYONWhere stories live. Discover now