lanta lantēpsa

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"It seems our gift has been received." The woman's father spoke, as he approached her sitting at her desk.

She looked at him, knowing he was to continue.

"I hear the sounds that left the girls mouth were nothing less than horrific. She should be in no state to continue her charade."

But Alicent was a woman, she she knew better than that. "We shouldn't get too excited."

Otto titled his head at his daughter in question.

"Even after all we have done, you still don't see how far a woman would go for those she loves." She explained, referring to herself.

"Aegon and Aemond remain in the city." He pointed out. "And the girl cannot use her dragon, burning the kingdom is clearly not in her plans."

"And have we heard any word from them? We've lost, Father. Admit it." Alicent nearly yelled, almost pulling out her hair. "Majority of the people love her. You speak of her as if we know her! The girl is unpredictable, and you need to remember that."

A knock on the door was heard, and both Hightowers turned to see who was entering.

"Oh Cassian, good we were just discussing some things. Please join us." Otto spoke.

The man nodded and sat down with them.

"I assume it has been done then?" He asked.

Otto nodded. "Indeed, Selaena had received her gift."

Cassian nodded. "I can assure you, she's not going to be able to recover for a while."

Otto gave Alicent a look after that, but the woman knew, they started something that they would not be the ones to finish.

Selaena, Daemon and Jacaerys were gathered on the beach, their four dragons with them.

The newly appointed Queen of the Seven Kingdoms stood before a small funeral pyre. With things settled for the evening, Selaena decided to give her companion the funeral she deserved.

"Until now, I knew this of myself. That if you had thrown yourself down into the dragons den, my dearest friend, I would have followed you in. Now, I wait for you, until we meet again." She spoke softly, then looked up at the four dragons infront of her. "Dracarys."

In an instant, the funeral pyre was lit up by the four dragons, both Princes weren't even shocked their dragons listened to her command.

"She is always with you, Selaena." Jace spoke softly, placing a hand on her shoulder as she watched the flames.

"I know." she replied, her eyes never leaving the flames.

Before he could speak, she took a step forward into the flames.

"Selaena!" Both Daemon and Jace exclaimed, trying to pull her back.

She held up a hand, and stepped further in, seeming to relish in the heat of the flame. Both men stepped back in shock, as they noticed the flames doing no damage to her skin as it burned away her clothes.

She kneeled down in the flames, and raised her arms to the sky, mumbling things in High Valyrian.

To Jace and Daemon, the flames seemed to be breathing as she chanted, and they could swear the flames took the form of a human.

The two could only watch as Selaena remained unharmed while the fire smouldered for another couple hours. When all that remained was smoke and ash, only then did she rise from her kneel, bare as the day she was born. A new energy radiated off her, and all both princes felt was strength.

WINDS OF CHANGE ~ JACAERYS VELARYONWhere stories live. Discover now