hāre lantēpsa

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The flight to Storm's End was much shorter than Lucerys liked, while atop Arrax he did not need to speak or even look at his Uncle. It was the one who's eye he removed, and they have never spoken properly since.

Though, he was thankful to Selaena for sending him with Aemond, for now he had a chance to apologize without anyone around, but his uncle terrified him. He had no clue how he would even begin his apology, for he never thought there would be a chance to do so.

When the two landed outside the stormy courtyard of Storm's End, as there was no way for Vhagar to fit, they could see a blue dragon shining just inside the grand doors. It was Tessarion, the dragon of Prince Daeron.

Lucerys looked terrified, this was not part of the plan, but swallowed his nerves and continued to approach the keep without falter, which Aemond did not expect.

The elder Prince was not expecting his estranged brother to make an appearance here of all places, after all this time. He did not know what to expect, Daeron was unpredictable, they had to be ready for anything.

They were met by guards who led them into the hall and announced their arrival. "Princes Lucerys and Aemond, envoys to the Queen Selaena."

The other white haired prince in the room turned upon the announcement, "It's been so long, dear brother."

Aemond scoffed. "I would hardly call us that. I do not know you."

"You pain me brother, and our family too. Our doors are still open, come home before it's too late. She will never succeed." Daeron pouted, holding a hand to his heart.

Aemond was about to speak but Luke interjected. "Aemond has a home, and it is not with you. It is with Selaena, and us!"

Aemond looked at him in surprise, he didn't expect that from Lucerys.

Daeron laughed. "That's cute! The one who took your eye is defending you. I see you've truly lost your way."

"Enough!" Lord Borros shouted. "House Baratheon will not stand against the rightful Queen over religious zealots! Please escort Prince Daeron back to his dragon immediately."

"You have made a powerful enemy, Lord Borros, I'm sure I will see you very soon." Daeron responded, before being escorted out of the hall.

"Not as powerful of an enemy than the opposition." He replied, before looking at Aemond and Luke. "Assure the Queen of the support from the Stormlands and House Baratheon."

Both princes nodded. "Thank you, my Lord." Lucerys responded, looking at Aemond before taking their leave.

Daeron and Tessarion were no where to be seen as they quickly made way to their dragons, both implicitly knew they could waste no time making their way to Highgarden now.

"Lucerys!" Aemond called to him, just as he was mounting Arrax. "Go fast! Vhagar and I will catch up! We don't know where he could be!"

Luke nodded and hastily climbed into the saddle before taking off, with Arrax being so small, he was much quicker than any of the larger dragons.

The storm was ruthless, and as soon as the younger prince entered the sky, he could no longer see any of his surroundings. Fear had begun to creep inside of him and Arrax could feel it, causing the young dragon to move even faster some how.

A deep sense of dread washed over Luke, and he felt the need to look up. In doing so, he could see the large shadow of a dragon flying above him, though not large enough to be Vhagar.

"Lykiri, Arrax, Lykiri." Luke tried to calm his dragon, but more so for himself.

A loud laugh could be heard through the roar of the thunder. "The Father seeks justice for the unholy acts brought into the world. I'll start with you."

WINDS OF CHANGE ~ JACAERYS VELARYONWhere stories live. Discover now