"You treat me like a dog and you expect me to smile?"

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Figured I'd try my hand at a full on story, so any comments and suggestions are welcome!

Enjoy :)


Kelley's POV.

Everyone here at the USWNT camp before the World Cup gathered in Alex and I's room tonight to watch the Women's Boxing Federation. It was a big night, as the main event was a bout between Geovana Peres, and Kim Jones.

The room was electric with anticipation. It was clear that everyone was rooting for Jones, as she was the underdog and Peres was the clear favourite.

"50 bucks says that Peres will win," Tobin bets Alex.

"No way, there's no way she can beat Jones. She's too big and too strong," Alex replies.

"Oh come Alex, I'm with Tobs on this," Becky chimes in.

This is a daily occurrence when we watch the WBF, everyone starts betting money, well, Carli doesn't.

During one of the undercard matches, there's a split screen interview with the newcomer, Bailey "The Crippler" Wilson, a blonde, blue-eyed, loud mouthed Texan woman who to me, looks so damn sexy to me. I can't help but think what it'd be like to kiss her, touch her. Alex constantly teases me over my crush, so does Sonnett and the others.

"There she is. Ms. Wilson, earlier on, we came to you. We missed you. We could hear something going on, but unfortunately, you were unavailable." One of the commentators says,

"You could hear something going on for good reason. Do you know where the number one talent in professional women's boxing was sitting on her way to Los Angeles, California today? She was sitting in seat 38C! Do you know where seat 38C is? It's right next to the aeroplane outhouse. Do you know what the number one piece of women's boxing talent had for lunch today? It was a little stale sandwich stuffed in a brown paper bag!"

Sonnett nudged me in the arm, "That's your girl," She teases me.

"Shut up," I said as we all kept watching and listening.

"Now I'd like to say that's what made me sick, but that's not the case. It's seeing Geovana Peres whine and cry every time she gets on the WBF TV and it makes me violently ill to my stomach. If she ain't whining, she's quitting. If she ain't quitting, she's doing something else. It ain't nothing good and it just makes me sick."

Just hearing that anger and venom was intimidating, she's really in her element. And this rivalry between her and Peres has been going on since November last year with a huge match approaching with Katie Taylor as the special referee, before that, Bailey was on a hot streak for her first year. Sometimes I'd stalk her Instagram or something like that just to look at photos of her.

The interview went on for quite some time and near the end was when it got very, very interesting. My eyes were still glued to the TV looking at Bailey, you could see those blue eyes of hers clearly. "Kelley? Kelley?"

I felt a smack on the back of my head, "Ah fuck. What was that for?" I looked up and saw Allie with a huge grin on her face.

"Now she's listening."


"Relax Kel, you were in that trance that you get in whenever you see Bailey on the TV. You've got it down bad for her don't you?" Christen asks and my face goes bright red.

"I knew it!" Sonnett exclaimed and threw her hands up in the air while I covered my face and shook my head. God this was embarrassing.

"As far as I'm concerned, I truly am the Women's Boxing Federation Champion, and can't nobody can tell me different, not you or anybody! As far as this match goes, it's a bunch of bull. Geovana Peres, she's supposed to be the big man. big technician, big deal. But it doesn't matter because I'll beat the hell out of Geovana Peres. And as far as Katie Taylor says on TV the other day, 'I don't know, Geovana Peres is a better technician, but Bailey Wilson ain't got no quit in her.' Well, you hit the nail right on the head, because I ain't got no quit in me at all! There ain't nobody. There ain't NOBODY in boxing who can make me quit!"

"Look at that, she's shaking with anger," Ashlyn quietly said and Ali nodded.

"Why have all this, why are you so bitter? Why this bitterness?" Bailey is asked.

"You treat me like a dog and you expect me to smile? You remind me of a jackass."

The interview ended after that and I wasn't even focused on it at that point, all I had in my head was fantasies. What would she look like naked? What would she be like in bed? I wanted to find out.

"Kelley, you're doing it again."

I looked over and saw Tobin smirking at me, "What?"

"Your mind is in the gutter again. You're thinking about Bailey aren't you?"

"What? No, I wasn't," I lied.

"Mhmm, sure you weren't."


Hope you enjoyed this chapter so far!

Comments and suggestions are welcome! Chapter 2 just needs a few corrections then it'll be up!

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