"Guess I'm staying indefinitely."

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Here's a lengthy chapter, enjoy!


Bailey's POV.

"Ladies and gentlemen, please fasten your seatbelts. We are now beginning our descent. Welcome to Reagan National Airport."

I open my eyes and see the familiar skyline of D.C. I'm finally home. I take a deep breath, and stand up to grab my bag from above. I take a few steps off the plane, and take a deep breath of the air. I take a few moments to take it all in, and I slowly start to feel a little bit better. I walk to baggage claim and grab the rest of my bags before getting a coffee from one of the Cafes in the airport. As I drink it, I feel my phone going off in my pocket. I look at the screen and it's a text from Kelley.

Hey Bailey. Just wanted to make sure you made it home ok. Thinking of you.

I smile, and send her a quick text back.

Thanks for checking in. I'm home. Miss you.

I take a deep breath, and sit down on one of the benches in the airport. I take a few moments to myself, and then I stand up and head out. I take a deep breath of the fresh air, and take a cab home.

When I get back, I take a long hot shower, and then curl up in bed. I lay there, thinking about Brooke and all of the amazing memories I have of her. I smile, and eventually drift off to sleep.

The next morning, I woke up feeling a little better. I still miss Brooke, but I'm beginning to accept it. As I get ready to go to the gym, I get a phone call from Jeff, Brooke's husband. We chat for a while, and he lets me know that the funeral is in a few days. I thank him for letting me know, and offer to help in any way I can.

After doing a few reps at the gym, I head back home only to find Jenna, my ex, standing at my door. She gives me a hug, "I heard about the news, and I just wanted to come by and say I'm sorry. Brooke was an amazing person, and I know she meant a lot to you."

I nod, tears swelling in my eyes, "Thanks Jenna, I appreciate it."

We chat for a bit, and she cups my face in her hands and looks at me. "Bailey, I want to take this pain away from you." She said before leaning in and kissing me.

I pull away, "What are you doing?" I said, with shock in my voice.

"I just want to make you feel better. Screw Kelley, this is just us. I want to be there for you. She won't come down here to be with you, her soccer career is more important than you. She doesn't care about you like I do. If she did, she would've asked to be traded down to the NWSL team here in D.C. I'm here for you."

I just nodded, not knowing what to say. Jenna then kisses me again, and I don't pull away this time. She keeps kissing me before I finally break away.

"I'm sorry Jenna, I can't do this. I still love Kelley, and I can't be here with you. I'm sorry," I said, before getting up and walking away.

I walked away from Jenna, feeling confused and conflicted. I still love Kelley, but Jenna has filled my head with doubts. I walk inside my home and drop my bags on the floor before collapsing onto the couch. I just sit there, my head spinning with thoughts. I don't know what to do.

I take a deep breath and grab my phone to call Hailey, I'm sure my little sister will know what to do.

"Hey Hailey, I need your advice," I say, my shaking ever so slightly.

"What's wrong?"

"It's Jenna,"

"What about her?" Hailey asked.

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