"Don't get too cocky like you do."

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Enjoy this chapter! :)


Kelley's POV.

Having Bailey up here in Salt Lake City for the week was awesome. We were mainly out and about in the city doing a whole heap of activities. Allie was constantly wanting to know what we're doing but Alex got her to back off.

The Victory Tour ended just yesterday, and Christen and Becky were back here in SLC now. Christen came over today to hang out, and she and Bailey got to know each other better than ever, and Becky did as well when she came over too.

"Right, I think that's everything. You sure you don't want me to get you a free ticket or a backstage pass?" Bailey asked me as she zipped up her gear bag.

I shook my head, "I'm good. I'll watch it on TV."

"Okay then. Well, I better get going." She walked over to me and grabbed the end of the hoodie I was wearing and pulled me in for a kiss. God her lips feel so good and soft. I could kiss her all day if I was able to.

She then walked out the door and I went and laid down on the couch. My ankle is healing up pretty good so far. Still gotta wear this boot though, but hey, shouldn't be long till I'm back out on the field again.

Bailey's fight is at 6:30pm, and right now it's 5:00pm, so she's got like, an hour before she's out in that ring. Erin had suddenly messaged me and I replied back, which set off a very long conversation.

She asked about how my ankle is, then asked how I was doing, and then she asked me if I've found a new girlfriend yet. I was really tempted to tell her, but I relented. Bailey and I want to keep our relationship private from our families for now, well, Bailey's sister knows.

Eventually 5:30 rolls around and I figured I'd go grab a beer while the show starts. From what Bailey mentioned, she was facing a new, younger fighter tonight. So, it'd be interesting to watch.

"Up next, Bailey "The Crippler" Wilson to go against Lucy Thompson. Let me tell ya, this fight is gonna be quite a match up. The established fighter vs. The newcomer. One has built up quite the reputation here in the WBF while the other, has got a mean streak running up their back."

Bailey's music hit and the crowd popped. You could barely hear her music playing. She walked out and those abs, her muscles.....I can't believe that I'm going out with her at times.

She made her way to the ring, then Lucy's music hit. The crowd popped slightly, just a bit quieter than before.

Once the entrances finished, the bell rang.

"Come on, babe..." I quietly muttered as she started throwing a few combinations, connecting with her opponent's face.

Lucy threw a few strikes of her own, but Bailey blocked them. Things were going back and forth constantly until the bell rang and they sat down at their respective corners.


Bailey's POV.

"Keep the pressure up on her, okay? But don't get too cocky like you do," Luke tells me and I nodded as I stood up and got ready for the bell to be rung.

The second round starts and she's already on the attack, she lands one but I block the other. I threw a big left hand and it connected, then I threw right too, which also connected.

I could see her stumble a bit and I knew that if I kept fighting her this way, I could win.

We both traded left and rights for a minute before she went in for a takedown. My legs were hooked and I went down, but then, I felt something in my leg tear. I was in immense pain and I managed to get up on wobbly legs before leaning in the corner.

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