"Of course. I'm here for you, no matter what."

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Kelley's POV

This whole ordeal with Bailey in rehab has been quite the roller-coaster, I knew her ankle was affecting her badly, and that Brooke's unexpected death hit her really hard. Then Hailey is sick again, and then being sexually assaulted. It was only a matter of time before she went off the deep end.

My trade from Utah to Washington has gone through, so I'm in the process of packing stuff here in Utah. Bailey's dad had messaged me and said that I could move straight into Bailey's home, which was the plan from the beginning. I haven't heard much about how she's doing, but her parents sometimes get told, and then they relay it to me.

Christen and Becky have been comforting me over the ordeal, and Alex, Allie along with the rest of the National Team have been messaging me, and sometimes calling me to see how I'm holding up. My parents have done the same too, and I appreciate the gesture from everyone. But it gets to a point where I just want to tell everyone to back off for a bit.

After taping up one box of many, I stared out the window for a bit and suddenly thought about Hailey. That's when I grabbed my phone and decided to FaceTime her. I scrolled through my contacts and found her before calling.

Hailey answered after a few moments, and when she saw me, she broke a big smile. "Kelley!"

"Hi, how are you?" I asked with a smile on my face.

"Okay. I'm feeling better, but I'm still tired, you know?"

I nodded, "Yeah. But at least you're feeling better than what you were. Having a great support system helps."

"It does. I just wish Bailey could visit me." Her face fell a bit and I felt really bad for her.

"Did you hear?"

She nodded and sighed, "Yes. Mom and Dad told me. I didn't know she went crazy, she normally doesn't. I'm kind of annoyed at her, but at the same time I'm glad she's getting help. I don't know what I'd do if s-sh-"

"Hailey. Don't think that, okay? Bailey's strong, she'll beat her demons. I know how you're feeling about the whole situation, but think of the positives, alright?" I say, cutting her off from what she was previously saying.

Hailey recomposed herself and nodded, "Okay."

I then decided to change the subject, so I figured I'd ask her about Kyle. "How's things with Kyle? You two still going strong?"

She smiled, "Yeah, he hasn't been able to see me since he's working a lot. But yeah, we're still going strong."

I smiled, "That's great. I'm happy for you two."

"Thanks." She said before yawning, "I should probably go back to sleep now, I'm really tired. But it was really nice talking to you. I miss you."

"I miss you too. But get some rest, okay? I'll see you soon." I said before we said our goodbyes and hung up.

I sat in silence for a few moments before I started packing up the rest of my stuff. I knew Bailey would get through this, and I was going to be there for her every step of the way. A knock at the door startled me a bit and I opened it to see my ex-girlfriend, Ellie. An instant wave of anger washed over me and I couldn't believe she'd show her face after I blocked her for good.

"What do you want?" I said through gritted teeth.

"I wanted to come here and apologize for what I did months ago, and to hopefully talk. I know I hurt you and I'm so sorry." She said, her voice full of remorse and regret.

I stared at her for a few moments before I sighed, "Fine, come in. But don't think this means I forgive you. I just want to hear you out."

She nodded and stepped inside, and I closed the door behind her. She went and sat down on one of my chairs while I stood in the kitchen. "I'm sorry, Kel. I was wrong and I should have never done what I did. I was stupid and immature and I just want another chance to show you that I can be better."

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