"You always keep your promises."

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Here's Chapter 2!

Hope you all enjoy it!


Bailey's POV.

"Cut! Good promo."

I walk off set and head off outside to my car. I'm still fuming from that interview. I can't stand Geovana Peres, she's always going on about being screwed by the Federation and it just gets on my nerves. I know I need to focus on the task at hand, but it's hard when she's constantly in my head. If anyone's being screwed, then it's me. I busted my ass for 7 years to get where I'm at, what didn't help was other boxing promotions turning me down, or they'd take me on board, but not use me at all.

I get in my car and head to the gym. I need to release some of this anger and frustration before the match next month. I walk in and head to the boxing ring. I start hitting the punching bag as hard as I can, picturing Peres' face.

I don't know how long I've been going for, but I've worked up a good sweat. I take a break and head over to the water cooler to take a drink. I see one of the trainers, Brian, walking over to me.

"Hey Bailey, how are you feeling?"

"I'm feeling good, getting a bit of a workout in."

"Good, good. Listen, I wanted to talk to you about the match next month."

"What about it?"

"Is it on Pay-Per-View?" He asks.

"Yeah, it is."

"Good, because I think you have a real chance of winning this match."

"I know I have a real chance of winning. I'm not going to lose to Peres." I told him.

"I have no doubt you'll win, but I just wanted to let you know that I think you have a real chance of being the face of the Women's Boxing Federation."

"What do you mean?"

"I think you have the potential to be the biggest star in the sport. You have the looks, the personality, and the talent. I think you could be the one to take women's boxing to the next level."

I'm taken aback by his words. I never thought of myself as a potential face of the sport. I always just saw myself as a fighter, nothing more.

"I think you could be the one to break through to the mainstream and get women's boxing the recognition it deserves."

I'm not sure what to say. I'm flattered by his words, but I'm not sure if I'm ready for that kind of pressure.

"I'll think about it," is all I can say.

"I think you should seriously consider it." He says before leaving me alone.

I continue getting my workout in for a few more hours and then leave the gym for the hotel. My phone goes off as I pull up outside and it's a text from my mom.

Good work on TV tonight, Hailey's cheering you on!

I smiled, and typed back. Tell her I said Hello and thank you.

My younger sister Hailey has been dealing with lots and lots of medical issues throughout her life, and with me being the older sister, I was always by her side while she fought until my boxing career started taking off.

"Hey, Room 203." The receptionist looked up at me and smiled before giving me the key to my room.

While waiting for the elevator, I felt my phone vibrate and I checked it and saw a notification from Instagram.

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