"Hey, no funny business."

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Enjoy this chapter! :)


Bailey's POV.

After spending nearly 2 weeks in hospital, I was sent home, but I went to stay with Kelley. Now, I'm stuck in a wheelchair, metal bolts stuck in my leg, my face still swollen.

My life has pretty much been ruined,  and my mental health has somewhat spiraled a bit. What has made things worse is that Pete called me, and he exercised my contract to save money. I've been dropped, and I'm not sure if I'll ever box competitively again.

After 7 years of busting my ass, I've been screwed once again. Luckily enough, Katie Taylor has put in a good word with the WBA and I might be able to get a job in the sport.

Kelley's been a great support system, she's been there for me when I'm down, and she's been helping me out lots. She's been taking me out for walks, and providing me with a shoulder to cry on. Hailey has also been a great help too; she's been helping me with my depression and getting me to talk about my feelings. Having her, Kelley, my parents, Kelley's teammates Christen and Becky and plenty of others, I know I'm not alone.

"Hey, got a second?" Kelley poked her head into the room I was in and I nodded.

"Yeah, come on in."

She wheeled me into the kitchen where Hailey, Mom and Dad were. "What's going on?" I asked.

"You'll see," Kelley says as she wheeled me up to the counter, where everyone was gathered.

"Okay, so we were thinking. Family time. Movie night." Hailey announced and I smiled. Dad laughed and nodded, "Plus, we should do something to welcome Kelley to the family."

"We're not engaged or married, dad. It's not like that." I said and he waved his hand dismissively.

"Whatever, still part of the family. Besides, she's the one for you, no one else."

I looked at Kelley who was blushing, "Yeah, dad's right. You are the one for me, Kelley." I said and she gave me a quick kiss.

"Aww, that's so cute." Hailey cooed and I just rolled my eyes. "What movie should we watch?"

We all decided to watch The Shawshank Redemption, one of my favorites, and we all tucked in. Kelley helped me onto the couch and Dad was about to throw me a beer, but I obviously declined, given that I'm still on painkillers.

"Oh shit, sorry. I forgot about that. Kelley, catch." He threw the beer to Kelley and she caught it perfectly.

Mom and Dad snuggled up on the other couch while Hailey was sprawled out on the floor. Kelley sat on the couch next to me, a blanket over us and got all snuggled up.

"Right, everyone ready? You got your snacks, right?" Hailey asked and we all nodded. "Okay, I'll press play."

We all started watching and throughout the move, Kelley would lean over and whisper something in my ear, or give me a kiss. It felt really good to have her by my side. "Hey, no funny business." My dad whispers as a joke, and I gave him the finger to which he just grinned.

Halfway through the movie, my mind started to wonder. Maybe I can box again, if I put my mind to it. I've still got my upper body strength and I can still punch hard. I could try to box with just one leg. I know it's a long shot, but I've got nothing to lose.

"What are you thinking about?" Kelley whispered and I turned to look at her.

I took a deep breath, "I was thinking... maybe I could box again."

"What?" She asked, disbelief written all over her face, "Bailey, you just got out of hospital. And you still got those pins in your leg."

"I know, but I can't just give up. I've been boxing since I was 11, it's all I know. It's all I've ever wanted to do. I know it's a long shot, but I've gotta try."

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