"A bruised and darkened soul."

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Here's a extremely short one for you all as a follow up to the previous chapter.


Bailey's POV

As I walked into rehab, I felt a mix of emotions wash over me. I was filled with pain, both physical and emotional. My ankle was throbbing from the constant boxing matches and the accident and my heart was heavy from the loss of Brooke in the ring.

I knew I needed help, but it still felt like a blow to my pride to admit that I couldn't handle things on my own. I was filled with pain, a bruised and darkened soul. I just wanted to be spared from the life that was full of misery.

As I settled into my room, a nurse came up to me, "You must be Bailey Wilson."

"Yes, that's me."

"We know whats been going on in your life so far since your parents notified us, you're not alone."

The nurse's words were a small comfort, but I still felt like an outsider in this place. I was surrounded by people who were also struggling with addiction and it was overwhelming.

The first few days were tough as I went through the detox process and dealt with the withdrawal symptoms. It was a constant battle to stay sober and not give in to the cravings. I spent a lot of time in therapy sessions, talking about my feelings and the events that led me to this point in my life. "Tell me about Brooke Edwards. How much did she mean to you?" I was asked.

I sighed, "Brooke was like a sister to me. We always pranked each other, and she'd prank me and the others too. We were inseparable, always there for each other. We always did everything together and always hanged out with each other on the road. And we trained together too. But then she passed away in the ring, and I don't know how to cope without her."

The therapist nodded, "It's natural to feel lost and alone after losing someone you were close to. It's important to remember that you have people here who care about you and want to help you through this difficult time. What about your sister, Hailey?"

"Hailey. Well shit, she's always been sick throughout her life and just recently, she's sick again. And it's been hard not being able to be there for her. I feel guilty for not being able to be by her side."

The therapist listened attentively, "It's understandable to feel that way, but you can't blame yourself for what happened to Hailey. It's important to focus on your own recovery and healing, and to be there for Hailey in whatever way you can. It's also important to allow yourself to grieve for Brooke and to find healthy ways to cope with the pain. How would you describe your relationship with your girlfriend Kelley?"

"Oh perfect. She's always been there for me during my accident a few months ago, and many other things. When I went off the deep end, I yelled at her, pushed her away, and I feel real bad about that. Last time I spoke with her was before I came in here, and she told me to get better and that she loves me."

The therapist nodded, "It sounds like you have a strong support system in Kelley, even though you may have pushed her away in your time of need. It's important to communicate with her and let her know how you're feeling, and to apologize for any hurtful words or actions. Recovery is a journey and it's not always easy, but with the support of those who care about you, you can overcome your addiction and find peace."

I felt a glimmer of hope for the first time in a long time. I knew I still had a long way to go, but with the support of the therapists and my loved ones, I could get through this and start healing. I was determined to take back control of my life and not let addiction and grief consume me any longer.

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