"You happen to know what happened?"

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Enjoy :)


Kelley's POV.


The score was 1-1, and things were getting more physical between us and the Thorns. Laura took me off just before the 45th minute, and I didn't have an issue with it.

"We need to be focused and we need to get a win. I know we can do it. I have faith in each and every one of you to turn it around out there." Laura tells us all.

What I did notice however is that one of the staff whispered something in Laura's ear, then she looked at me with a somber look. What was going on? What's happening?

"Kelley, come out here for a minute." I stood up with a confused look on my face and walked outside with Laura.

She took a deep breath, "Okay. There's no way I can sugar coat this so I'm just gonna go out and say it. Bailey was in a car accident and she was airlifted to the hospital and she just got out of surgery."

I couldn't believe it, she can't be in the hospital. My legs started shaking slightly and Laura pulled me into a tight hug. "I'll get Christen to bring your stuff out, okay?"

"O-Okay." I answered.

She went back into the locker room and a few moments later, Christen came out with my stuff. She gave me a hug too and told me she'll be at the hospital as soon as this game is over.

I quickly ran to my car, and made a beeline straight to the hospital. My mind was racing at 1000 miles a minute, thinking of the bad case scenarios. I seriously hope that the surgery was for a broken bone and nothing extremely serious.

Pulling up at the car park outside the hospital, I ran straight in and up to the receptionist's desk.

"Where's Bailey Wilson? What room is she in!?" I frantically ask.

"Family only." She responds and I'm about to lose it.

"I'm her damn wife, okay?!" I lied, "Tell me what room she's in?!"

The receptionist looked at me with wide eyes and quickly started typing away, "Uhh, let's see. Bailey Wilson, room 201."

I didn't even say thank you or anything, I just ran to the nearest elevator, took it to the floor her room is on, and bolted down the hallway to find room 201.

As I walked in, I saw a nurse look up at me with a faint smile as she held Bailey's right foot up, which was dangling off the bed. I looked at Bailey and her blonde hair was now stained red, and her face was swollen up like a huge beach ball while she had a titanium mask on. "Oh no," I muttered, my voice shaking as I quickly took a seat to Bailey.

The nurse left and I was left alone with Bailey. That's when I just lost it and started crying at the sight of her. Only just a few hours ago, she was full of life, now, she's pale, and beaten up badly. Very bad.

Eventually I fell asleep, holding Bailey's hand as the beeping from the machines keeping her alive echoed throughout the room.


Many hours later, I was abruptly woken up by a hand touching my shoulder. I jumped up and looked at the individual, a man in his 40's who looks just like Bailey.

"You happen to know what happened?" He asked me and I shook my head.

"Kelley?" I leaned to my side to peek behind the man, only to see Hailey.

The man and woman look confused at first until Hailey breaks the silence. "Mom, Dad. This is Bailey's girlfriend, Kelley O'Hara."

"Wha- I thought you were bullshiting us kid." He exclaimed. "Shit, padron me, where's my manners? I'm Hailey and Bailey's dad, John." He offers his hand and I shake it. I do the same thing with her mom, who introduced herself as Marie. "Sorry we had to meet in the most unfortunate circumstances." She says.

Christen messaged me and told me she couldn't get in, they wouldn't let her. And that's bullshit if you ask me.

A doctor walks into the room and looks straight at John and Marie.

"Mr & Mrs. Wilson?" He asked, and they both nodded.

"Okay. Bailey here has suffered a mild concussion, her previously torn hamstring was slightly damaged. She also has a shattered ankle and the only choice is to either fuse it into a walking position, or ultimately amputate her foot completely."

Tears were threatening to spill down my cheek but I managed to hold it in, Hailey also put her arms around me as a way of comfort while hearing all of the damage done.

"Could she still be able to box even with the fusion?" Marie asks.

"To be honest, she won't be able to run. So to answer your question, right now it's a no. But that could change within the next couple of weeks. Also, during Bailey's surgery we had to have different doctors come to put 4 plates in her face, hence the swollen head and the titanium mask."

The doctor left and Bailey started moving. I instantly rushed to her side and I gasped when she opened her eyes. Those blue eyes I fell in love with, are no longer there. Her eyes are straight red, like blood red.

She tried to speak but all that came out was grunts and grumbles. Her heart rate monitor sped up and she started freaking out, "Shhh. Shhh. I'm here. Hailey and your parents are here too. It's going to be okay." I say and sooth her, softly stroking her arm.

All I know is that Bailey needs everyone in her corner, backing her up now more than ever. She needs everyone if she wants a chance to recover from this, but I'm worried how she'd react to the news of not being able to box anymore.


A few days pass and Bailey gets the ankle fusion surgery done, now she's got two metal rods sticking out her leg. Christen and Becky were eventually allowed to come visit, and they've been extremely helpful.

I've also gotten to know Bailey's parents and sister quite well too, despite the circumstances, but they love me. So that's that I guess.

"We're gonna go out and get a bite to eat. Want anything?" Her dad asked me and I smiled and shook my head.

Her mom and dad, plus Hailey left, leaving me alone with a sleeping Bailey. After a few minutes, I heard her stir and open her eyes.

"K-Ke-Kel?" She managed to croak out, reaching for my hand.

"I'm here," I say before smiling at her, my thumb gently brushing over her knuckles.

Bailey looked into my eyes for a moment and she sighed, "I m-me-messed u-up," Tears started forming in her eyes as she let out a choked sob."I messed up," she repeated.

My heart broke for her, it really did. I tightened my grip on her hand and gave her another smile while holding back my own tears, "No, you didn't. Even though things may be bad right now, you'll pull through this."

"No, Kelley. I won't be able to. I've fucked my whole life up, I should have never left for physio when I did, cause right now I wouldn't be here." She looked away from me as tears were rolling down her cheeks.

"Hey. Look at me," I say, and put my hand under her chin, turning her head towards me, "Don't blame yourself. It wasn't your fault. It was the person who was driving that car who caused this, not you. You've got a lot of people in your corner, Bailey. Your parents, Hailey, your colleagues at the WBF, Christen and Becky, and me as well. We're all here for you."


"No buts. You're gonna come back stronger than ever. If you can't box anymore, there's plenty of opportunities in the sport to do something else. Like I just said, we're all here for you. No matter what happens."

Bailey closed her eyes and nodded slightly, before holding my hand, "I love you so much, Kel." She whispers.

"I love you too."


Thanks for reading, I appreciate it!

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